Kids Do The Darndest Thing Pt 4

Here's another video in my series. It's funny because in this moment I got 7 different ideas of kids that do funny things that I can record to use for my own amusement.

I'm rewriting a couple of passages of this blog because I said some things that made me sound like a child predetor, which I am by no sense of the means. There are just some words that should never appear in the vacinity of the word youth, child, or kid. It was a bad choice of words and that was my mistake. That's what I get for thinking out loud and saying the first thing that comes to mind, even if there is a better choice of words. Oh yeah, I didn't have to tell you that but in my candidicy--not sure that is a word either--I say some of the most random things that are so far gone from who I am. Blame it on the performance part of me.

I'm the type of uncle with will play a devious dichotomy. I can give your child advice about the world and toughen them up so they can strategically play the hand that life deals them. On the other hand there will be those times where if you leave your kid with me there is no telling what we will get into or what dangerous things we will partake in just for the sake of the excitement. I might even discourage the chap because I don't want to hide the truth from them that the world doesn't give a what about them until they work hard enough to give the world a reason to. Hmm,my light post has now turned into a venting session toward kids of all shapes and backgrounds. Caution to parent: I'm not as bad as I sound now. Hey, one of my old friends is letting me hang out with her 4 year old son, unsupervised LOL.


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