Kids do the darndest things part 2

I've been working at the youth center for close to a month now. No it's not the most exciting job in the world but I'm meshing well with the kids and I like it.

Parents, please don't let your daughter leave the house looking any kind of way. No, I'm not saying that little girls should fall into a false sense of self or ascribe to a fantasized standard of beauty but every little girl wants to know she is beautiful. The way parents take care of their daughters reflects whether or not they think she is or not. What they think is acceptable for their daughters is also indication of how they answer that question. Black parents--stop letting your daughter leave the house without her hair done. All black women are serious about getting their hair done. Don't raise a black female that accepts straight bull when it comes to getting her hair done. Your daughter will grow up into a woman and the way she's used to appearing could very well affect her self image and what she think's she's worth all because you taught her that it is ok to go out without her hair did, clothes matching, body ashy, lips cracking. I know this is just a little girl but yo, parents get it together. Help her live out the beautiful woman she is by starting when she's young.

OMG!! Speaking of OMG, it is unacceptable for people to speak in text message language aloud in a conversation. When guys do it, that is just plain wrong. For some reason all the 5 and 6 year olds have a genetic disposition to cheat at whatever they play. I had to pull this little girl to the side and tell her it was not fair to move the cards in memory so the other kids couldn't find the match. She is as cute as a button but not beyond correcting. Working here has caused me to refamiliarize myself with board games such as Monopoly, Sorry, Mancala, and Chutes & Ladders. It's like the kids try to manipulate a game and tell me all kind of B.S. rules they know are not true so that they can cheat. One little girl was slick with it. We were playing Sorry and in this game you need to draw a 2 or a 1 to proceed. This chick pulls an 11 and tells me she can go. I told her to wait while I get another kid to confirm that rule. I asked two other kids and they told me she was wrong. She looked at me and told me that her rule was the way that she played. Her cheating tail! You gotta be kidding me.

I have other kids that get emotional because "they never get to go first" or because they are not winning. Man get outta here with that!

I was playing pool with another kindergartener and dude yelled out "Dammit" because he missed a shot. I was in shock and I asked him what did he say. Of course he said "Dammit." It sounded more like "dannit," but you get the picture. I looked around to see if the other counselors heard him. Normally they'd make a big scene. I crouched down to his level and asked him where he heard it from. Of course, he covered his mouth and didn't tell me. I told him not to say those words because they are for grown ups. I messed up because I was trying to hold back an obvious amusement upon my face.

On a lighter note some of these kids can hoola hoop like it's nobody's business. I love when they do the stanky leg. One afternoon a 6 year old came up to me and asked me if I knew how to do the Superfreak. I said "What?" Then he proceeded to poke his backside out and girate like he was stripper short on cash needing to pay the rent the next day. I told him not to do that again. Not because it was bad, but I don't think it's in his best interest to get used to shaking like that if you know what I'm saying. He's a funny kid.

I like to get the kids to repeat stuff. One little kid is the quietest in the world. He is very soft spoken, but I like to get him to sing the hook to 50 cent's I Get Money. I see him in the hall and say what's up and he says "I know. I know. I get money." It is straight comedy for me.

More adventures at the youth center coming soon.


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