
Showing posts from October, 2011

Countdown to 27 Finale

I had an awesome time Friday night and dinner with the family on Sunday was a great way to close things out. I still have to finish all the countdowns on my previous blogs but that will come soon. Thanks to everyone that made Friday Oct 21st a night to remember. Thanks to all the people that have crossed through my life that have made me better. Here's to a great year ahead of me and the past behind. GMC

The Birthday is here

Today was good. Maybe it's just because I'm feeling good right now. Whatever the case, I'm doing well at making this a memorable week. I'm going to really take the time and respond to every Facebook Bday post. Watch me. Today my parent's woke me up with a call, which I really appreciated. I had lunch with a new friend, which was cool. Had class, which I ended early. Then hit up Bar 7 with a few friends. I had a good time. I had a good time. I made it home safely and here I am. I have nothing poingnant to share. Thanks to all those that sent me a birthday shout out and even if you didn't it's all good. I feel the love and I'm moving into the place called better. My Countdown to 27 continues.

The Answer is Yes

I can't get enough of this song!

Countdown to 27 Pt. III

So far the only thing that is good about this week are my blog posts. I spent all day trying to wire money to a friend who was in trouble over seas just to find out it was a scam. I know, I know, I usually don't fall for crap like that. I don't know why I didn't think to call and find out or even ask a mutual friend. The good thing about it was that in hind sight I saw the attempts to block the transaction. I didn't send the money. I can't believe I was so stupid. Ain't that funny, which brings me to my subject. Laughter is good. All the time. And all the time, laughter is good. I woke up and bust out laughing out of nowhere. That inspired me do this blog. 27 things that I laugh about still to this day. 1. I won't let that happen to me thoooooo. --Boondocks, the episode with Usher 2. Performing at the Dream Talent Show. I'm with Mike, Willie, & Brandon playing like we had a real gig when all the other contestants were under the age of 18. WTF. ...

Countdown to 27 Pt. II

I want this to be a memorable week but there was really nothing memorable except a whole lot of hassle. This mornings I spent useless time searching for a Western Union, which I've never needed to use. I find it and I don't have cash. Later on I feel like I left a bad impression on a job lead. I didn't get home until after 10:30 p.m. then I remembered the reason I went to Western Union in the first place. Still no cash in hand, I searched for Navy Federal ATM over DC. My GPS gave out on me. I go on a wild goose chase to get some cash. I get the cash and the nearest Western Union was too many miles past my house. Ugh Life doesn't always have to feel good in order to be good. Speaking of good I've made some headway into telling 27 people how I appreciate them. There are way more people that I want to tell this to so I don't think I should limit myself. The goal is 27 but if there are more I will do so. I reached out to my parents, of course, and two people I ...

Countdown to 27 Begins

This is going to be a good week. Today kicks off my birthday week. I'll be turning the big 27 on Wednesday of this week and celebrating big on Friday. The funny thing is is that I don't ever remember celebrating my birthday big. This is the first year that I'm throwing myself a party--a party that has turned to a joint party inadvertently, but a party nonetheless. This is the first time that I'm actually taking a solid week to enjoy myself and I'm going to make it good. To be honest, I'm not really feeling my best, but I'll muster up enough life in myself to make it all worth while. Today, after a photo shoot with Ministry Mindset, the team headed to Friday's to celebrate one of our group members' birthdays. I have nothing but love for all the October birthdays. For those that celebrate their birthday in October I make a serious effort to reach out. I guess it's my duty as a Libra. To be honest I have nothing to talk about. This is going...

Pictures Worth 1000 words


Happy Columbus Day

I'm off work today and I spent the majority of it doing . . . well nothing. I found this pic on Facebook and thought it would be great to share. In the meantime, edit this paragraph for me. I didn't think it was possible for a student to have such a strong vocabulary and confuse the hell out of me. It's all yours. To begin with, one must understand that research is more than just taking a survey or reading a book. Research extends into a voluminous number of alternating facets of an art, the same concept of the act of educating oneself into every reach and idea relative to a specific subject matter, and each facet in turn through a variety of directions . There is of course basic ways of separating each facet of research, degrees of the level of personal involvement in such, but nonetheless the research is necessary to properly and successfully aid a viewpoint . Simply phrased; research is done by others, and in turn one must put efforts into researching the efforts of oth...

Big A Productions

Last Friday, I got up with Big A Productions for the first time. My goal was to get some music put around a concept that I already had lyrics and vocals for. I take a very flexible approach to working with producers. I'm all about learning their strengths and finding out how to best collaborate. From the moment I hit the door, Big A had a great attitude even though we never worked together and were unsure of each other's styles. For the first half an hour I listened to some of the things he had been working on. I freestyle sang over a track to give him an idea of my voice, but we got to work not too long after that. I sang the hook to a concept I came up with last spring. After singing that over and over he had enough to pull something together. He definitely captured the feel I was looking for. I'm really happy about that. My next step is to solidify the background vocals and go in an record by the end of this month. I'm really excited about it. Once copy written...

U.N.I Buzz

How do you like the U.N.I company seal? Our CEO, Brian Americus, was featured in a photo shoot with two other models for the launch of our new website . The new website includes a complete look book featuring our Loser design, a revamped online store that features designs from our Peace.Life.Love campaign, and a profile that better speaks the language of our consumer. I'm definitely proud of what the team has accomplished. We move from one project to the next that we almost forget to enjoy what we have accomplished. Speaking of projects, after this post I've got two press releases to work on for the brand. In the mean time you can follow us on Twitter @uniclothingco Facebook: U.N.I Clothing Co


This is the reality we need to teach our children and mentees.

Music For Me

It's funny. I expose myself to the world through so many different hats. I'm an educator. I've modeled. I'm a role model. I'm an activist. All those things are good but very few people really know me under my musician hat. I hear the term quite often "I didn't know you could sing." This is true. I don't put that part of my character on blast. I haven't been super persistent in that area either, even though making a living with music is a top priority of mine. Although I think about music often I don't quite talk about it too much. So why talk about it now. Well why not? I have my first studio session with Meek Leek this Friday and I'm going through my catalog trying to see what I really want to work on. When it comes to me doing my own projects, I get so crippled by all the things that I want to go right that I often forget about making music that sounds great and feels right. I think this is why I haven't gotten much work don...

Dodge Ball

I got some time before class to shoot the breeze and just read. I got to read on academic advising, which I'm very interested in. When I think about advising, I believe that every opportunity that I've ever had has lead up to me going into that particular field of education. I have concluded that it will allow me to weed out the clowns that just don't give a what. I have to see them on a weekly basis unless they just altogether don't come to class. Advising will also give me a common ground with students because the meetings will be mutually beneficial. Students have to see me if they want to see me not because they are required to. What I plan on talking about has nothing to do with advising but everything to do with the ways I dodge students. Maybe this is because I'm getting older or maybe this is because I'm getting meaner but sometimes I just don't want to talk to certain people. It's like I have to mentally and physically prepare myself to conv...

Living in DC

If you haven't noticed, I am a DC resident. I still have to get my tags changed and insurance changed over, but you can find me on 8th St and Alabama in Congress Heights. I'm closer to work and in a good proximity to the social life I wanted. This time I don't have to drive 40 minutes to an hour to get there. Since moving I've been doing some thinking. To be honest, it's probably got more to do with the fact that my car got broken into the first night I stayed at my new place. Maybe 3 blogs ago, it might appear that I went on a spiritual rant about it to be honest I had to think about the incident differently. You're reading posts from a guy that got his car stolen, was out of work for close to a year, and then when I was working I realized how the world is run by stupid people and you can't trust anyone. I'm in a different place but the incident just confirmed all the negative things I believed about the world. Either way, the incident got me thi...