Countdown to 27 Pt. III

So far the only thing that is good about this week are my blog posts. I spent all day trying to wire money to a friend who was in trouble over seas just to find out it was a scam. I know, I know, I usually don't fall for crap like that. I don't know why I didn't think to call and find out or even ask a mutual friend. The good thing about it was that in hind sight I saw the attempts to block the transaction. I didn't send the money. I can't believe I was so stupid. Ain't that funny, which brings me to my subject. Laughter is good. All the time. And all the time, laughter is good.

I woke up and bust out laughing out of nowhere. That inspired me do this blog. 27 things that I laugh about still to this day.

1. I won't let that happen to me thoooooo. --Boondocks, the episode with Usher
2. Performing at the Dream Talent Show. I'm with Mike, Willie, & Brandon playing like we had a real gig when all the other contestants were under the age of 18. WTF. It was super unorganized, with corny Christian emcees--those that know me know how I feel about Christian corniness. The talent match was very unfair. I didn't feel good about competing against 5 & 6 year old kids. We killed it and didn't win. I can do nothing but laugh about that.
3. I met my best friend in high school because he and I were dating the same girl at the same time. Our mutual friends told us about it. The two of us met up and called her up and she was history. Strikingly we both had a lot in common and it was a wrap after that. I called him today to tell him how much I appreciate him, and we laughed about this very thing.
4. Anything by Kevin Hart! Alright, alright, alright! You gonna learn today. He said she ain't got no nipple.
5. How silly I got after one wedding weekend that gave everybody a headache. That was actually a good time.
6. At a step competition seeing a big girl make strong poses with the mean mug as she said. DO. . . . . YOU . . . . . . . . . . WANT . . . . . . TO. . . . (you had to be there)
7. Morgan Freeman in Lean on Me: Ya smoke crack don't ya? Do you know what it does? It kills ya brain cells Sams, it kills ya brain cells (As he drills his finger in the poor boys skull) Don't effin' with it do it expeditiously so go on and JUMP!
8. Going to Wal-Mart with the Goof Troop and filling up a basket with toys and such and leaving it in the middle of the aisle.
9. The Luther Burger---Boondocks
10. All the times I've run into furniture, plants, columns or busted my head up against the mic while leading praise and worship at church because I do things with my eyes closed.
11. Everybody in my family reminding my Uncle of how ugly his ex-girlfriend is.
12. How my old Pastor always clapped off beat
13. How his wife never ever said the word scripture correctly. To this day I don't know exactly what a stripture is. I'm not there yet.
14. All Roy Wood Jr Pranks. Them mugs got me through graduate school. Especially this one!
15. Radford Deliverance Choir in 2003-2004. What's to come is so much better than what's been. Yes it is.
16. Deez Nuts! Mis cojones.-- Mr. U.N.I and Profound Thought got me with this one. Asking me if I knew someone named Mrs. CoJones. CLOWNS. Good one though.
17. Ebony Jenkins!
18. Bro. Franklin
19. People getting slapped. Peep this! or this then there is this
20. R-E-A-D A B-O O-K! (edited version provided)
21. Anything dealing with the Flavor of Love Series
22. Reverend Evans telling me "There ain't no damn Earl here" and other foolishness out of his mouth. I was actually highly upset about that but it's funny in retrospect
23. That moment when a person that honks at you pulls up beside you at a red light and you don't want to look at them.


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