Happy Columbus Day

I'm off work today and I spent the majority of it doing . . . well nothing. I found this pic on Facebook and thought it would be great to share. In the meantime, edit this paragraph for me. I didn't think it was possible for a student to have such a strong vocabulary and confuse the hell out of me. It's all yours.

To begin with, one must understand that research is more than just taking a survey or reading a book. Research extends into a voluminous number of alternating facets of an art, the same concept of the act of educating oneself into every reach and idea relative to a specific subject matter, and each facet in turn through a variety of directions . There is of course basic ways of separating each facet of research, degrees of the level of personal involvement in such, but nonetheless the research is necessary to properly and successfully aid a viewpoint . Simply phrased; research is done by others, and in turn one must put efforts into researching the efforts of others , this is typically the case in the manner of the majority of public speeches and essays given. By taking time in one’s speech or essay to delve into relative research that has been done, one can support in varying degrees the point they are attempting to make, or more specifically exhibit an honesty and understanding of a given matter in showing that research has in fact been done and that regardless one’s view on such remains the same . Without research, there is on a general basis room for the potential argument to arise that you one is in fact not fully informed as a result of their own lack of efforts, and in turn are not making sound and justified conclusions on a matter.


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