Countdown to 27 Pt. II
I want this to be a memorable week but there was really nothing memorable except a whole lot of hassle. This mornings I spent useless time searching for a Western Union, which I've never needed to use. I find it and I don't have cash. Later on I feel like I left a bad impression on a job lead. I didn't get home until after 10:30 p.m. then I remembered the reason I went to Western Union in the first place. Still no cash in hand, I searched for Navy Federal ATM over DC. My GPS gave out on me. I go on a wild goose chase to get some cash. I get the cash and the nearest Western Union was too many miles past my house. Ugh
Life doesn't always have to feel good in order to be good. Speaking of good I've made some headway into telling 27 people how I appreciate them. There are way more people that I want to tell this to so I don't think I should limit myself. The goal is 27 but if there are more I will do so. I reached out to my parents, of course, and two people I consider best friends. I'm making head way.
Today, or tonight rather I think it will be good for me to talk about 27 moments in my life that I don't regret. They are in no particular order
1. Becoming a Christian and sticking to that commitment even through my own personal
2. Going to Virginia Tech
3. Modeling with Righteous Ones Entertainment no matter how brief my stint was.
4. Becoming involved with Impact during college--Impact conferences, regionals,
leadership, drama with the staff, and drama with the team. I don't regret what happened.
5. Attempting to become a part of New York City
6. Following my heart for youth and not working at a big agency
7. Applying to The Lagrant Foundation
8. Going to The Bahamas for the second time
9. Impromptu trips to Louisville, Montreal, Boston, & New York City
10. Being captain of the step team in high school
11. Getting to know a few key people that I know now (this can almost be several)
12. Going to graduate school -- I wouldn't be where I am now without it or the people
13. Laying it on the table to someone who may or may never get why I feel/felt what I
did at the time.
14. Choosing to be loyal to those I consider friends. There were so many times a
wrong conversation could have changed that.
15. Being a Communication major
16. Being a part of Judah LYFE, Ministry Mindset, & U.N.I. Each is really teaching me
about business and about what I am able to bring to the table.
17. Choosing to find my way in D.C.--When I came back to the area in '09 I really
hated D.C. and never thought I'd be comfortable with the city.
18. Staying in touch with a core group of friends from high school. As much as I've
grown and am a different person, I'm glad we all could grow together and
celebrate each others' successes and changes.
19. The churches I've been a part of. All the teaching and the services offered to me and rendered by me have shaped me into who I am today.
20. The men that I consider mentors. I don't consider too many people to fulfill
that role at this point but those that I do have really raised the bar for me.
It is crazy to be in a season where I have to mentor others.
21. Standing up to my parents to declare my independence. It was a really messy
interaction but we all know how to communicate with each other through that.
22. Walking away from relationships that I persisted to stay in. My Gawd!
23. Being fired from the Youth Center.
24. Working with Envision EMI
25. All the females that rejected me.
26. All the people that wrote me off.
27. All the foolishness, reflective moments, and people that helped make my
birthday week amazing. (I wrote that in retrospect!)
Here are a few of the photos from the shoot yesterday. Shout out to Demo Photos

Life doesn't always have to feel good in order to be good. Speaking of good I've made some headway into telling 27 people how I appreciate them. There are way more people that I want to tell this to so I don't think I should limit myself. The goal is 27 but if there are more I will do so. I reached out to my parents, of course, and two people I consider best friends. I'm making head way.
Today, or tonight rather I think it will be good for me to talk about 27 moments in my life that I don't regret. They are in no particular order
1. Becoming a Christian and sticking to that commitment even through my own personal
2. Going to Virginia Tech
3. Modeling with Righteous Ones Entertainment no matter how brief my stint was.
4. Becoming involved with Impact during college--Impact conferences, regionals,
leadership, drama with the staff, and drama with the team. I don't regret what happened.
5. Attempting to become a part of New York City
6. Following my heart for youth and not working at a big agency
7. Applying to The Lagrant Foundation
8. Going to The Bahamas for the second time
9. Impromptu trips to Louisville, Montreal, Boston, & New York City
10. Being captain of the step team in high school
11. Getting to know a few key people that I know now (this can almost be several)
12. Going to graduate school -- I wouldn't be where I am now without it or the people
13. Laying it on the table to someone who may or may never get why I feel/felt what I
did at the time.
14. Choosing to be loyal to those I consider friends. There were so many times a
wrong conversation could have changed that.
15. Being a Communication major
16. Being a part of Judah LYFE, Ministry Mindset, & U.N.I. Each is really teaching me
about business and about what I am able to bring to the table.
17. Choosing to find my way in D.C.--When I came back to the area in '09 I really
hated D.C. and never thought I'd be comfortable with the city.
18. Staying in touch with a core group of friends from high school. As much as I've
grown and am a different person, I'm glad we all could grow together and
celebrate each others' successes and changes.
19. The churches I've been a part of. All the teaching and the services offered to me and rendered by me have shaped me into who I am today.
20. The men that I consider mentors. I don't consider too many people to fulfill
that role at this point but those that I do have really raised the bar for me.
It is crazy to be in a season where I have to mentor others.
21. Standing up to my parents to declare my independence. It was a really messy
interaction but we all know how to communicate with each other through that.
22. Walking away from relationships that I persisted to stay in. My Gawd!
23. Being fired from the Youth Center.
24. Working with Envision EMI
25. All the females that rejected me.
26. All the people that wrote me off.
27. All the foolishness, reflective moments, and people that helped make my
birthday week amazing. (I wrote that in retrospect!)
Here are a few of the photos from the shoot yesterday. Shout out to Demo Photos
