Dodge Ball

I got some time before class to shoot the breeze and just read. I got to read on academic advising, which I'm very interested in. When I think about advising, I believe that every opportunity that I've ever had has lead up to me going into that particular field of education. I have concluded that it will allow me to weed out the clowns that just don't give a what. I have to see them on a weekly basis unless they just altogether don't come to class. Advising will also give me a common ground with students because the meetings will be mutually beneficial. Students have to see me if they want to see me not because they are required to.

What I plan on talking about has nothing to do with advising but everything to do with the ways I dodge students. Maybe this is because I'm getting older or maybe this is because I'm getting meaner but sometimes I just don't want to talk to certain people. It's like I have to mentally and physically prepare myself to converse with certain personalities. Maybe it's just perception. I don't know, but I know when I see certain students coming or I recognize the back of their head, I walk in the other direction.

The sad thing is, is that this is NOT characteristic of me--well at least not most of the time. I only started dodging people like this very recently. Now that I think about it, I dodge students because I really don't feel like going into professor mode. In professor mode, I have to remember exactly how old some of these students area, I have to be mindful to how sensitive they actually are. The one's I dodge are generally the students that I don't understand and inevitably perceive as annoying. I find it funny that professionally I do well in student/client related fields and the older I get the more my patience wears down. Speaking of dodging a student, one just walked into the faculty lounge and I can't dodge him. Hopefully if I avoid eye contact then I won't be recognized. I'm in blogger mode not professor mode right now.

I told my friends that I'm becoming an introvert because I'm liking people less and less. They wouldn't entertain my conversation. I don't see why not. Can't your Myers-Briggs type evolve. I'm ENFJ all day every day. I'm done.


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