Day 2 Second Round

 I really like writers, speakers and educators who have themes and explore them. It's a great way to organize something and it just shows such creativity when one is able to find a connecting thread.  It make it easier for the listener. I don't know I really like it.

Today my wife is being honored by the Commonwealth.  This is an incredible accomplishment. Afterward I am headed to co-facilitate a 3 day workshop. We'll see how this goes.

This morning I woke up and reviewed the ministry website for Friendship-West. After hearing Pastor Haynes speak at last year's CRT Summer School I have been following his ministry. Three years ago . . . sounds like I need to go help my son get ready to get up out of here. I hope to be back soon.

I'm back now and I'm attempting to journal through all the noise distractions of my son, my wife's phone and getting ready. This has been a huge characteristic of life these days desiring to find peace and not be distracted by the foolish behavior of my child. It's beyond annoying and it's like a burn in my insides cuz I feel like he knows what he's doing and he won't stop. So Lord I speak peace into my mind, I speak peace that I will go the route of peace.

Originally, I was going to talk about justice. What do I want to say about this? What do I want to reflect on? My real question is Lord what are You doing?  I'm inquiring of You to show me, direct me and help give me the steps to take.  What thought have I had so far:

  • What is justice and how am I understanding it?
  • I think about this a lot. How did I get here because I remember a time where I was not so hyper focused?
  • What steps need to take place in order to integrate a justice consciousness into the discipleship of our PT partners?
  • What areas of focus should PT take on to meet the needs of our community?
  • What is our church's local history around justice? Who are the people thinking about this and desiring our community has more emphasis?
  • Who are the communities doing this work already that we should partner with to learn from and have a mutual relationship with?

There are more questions. I'm not sure what I'm asking for.  I'm looking for teachers but not as a substitute for trusting you. Also being careful that I don't fall into the trappings of using this to boost my ego but in all humility share what God is saying to me and being available for Him to move through my voice.  I find fascination in having a critical lens on the practices that get passed off as Christian.  The prevalence of white Christian nationalism and the role it plays more publicly and in politics is a cause of concern to me and I want to understand it, to analyze and speak to what is going on.  I also discuss it so the congregation that I'm a part of doesn't fall into the same trappings and have a faith that can respect the human dignity of all people and not place Christianity on a hierarchy where we use our faith oppress our neighbors.  
I'm drawn toward a faith that seeks to uproot all forms of oppression from its midst. This means uprooting racism and understanding its history and the Church's connection to it's current manifestations. Gender oppression, economic oppression, and all other forms that manifest itself in the imagination of our local congregations. 


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