No matter the problem or the issue I face. I'll still give him glory. I'll give him praise. "The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness."

All of the songs on Freedom to Worship have a special meaning to me but for various reasons I'm drawn to the song "I'll Give Him Praise." I woke up this morning thinking about the biblical basis for the song and I recalled all of the instances throughout the word where the situation called for God's people to be upset or afraid, but they proceeded with praise. God brought down the wall of Jericho with the praise of the people. During the rule of Jehoshaphat God set ambushes against the enemies of Israel through the people's praise. Let's not forget when Paul and Silas were thrown in prison. God used their praise to set them free.

It's funny because I thought about those things this morning as I walked to my car to go grocery shopping. I moved to a new neighborhood and spent my first night at this new place. I open my car door and remembered that I locked the car the night before. I saw everything that was in my glove compartment now laid out all over my passenger-side door. Who ever it was that broke in only stole a car charger. I was alright until I looked in the back seat and saw glass shattered all over the floor and on the seat. I got out of the car to see that someone had not only shattered the rear passenger-side window but this clown tried to pick the lock on the passenger side door.

Messed up stuff happens to me just like it happens to everyone else. For me to count the times that I've suffered the consequences of another person's irresponsibility would be futile because it is too numerous. The one thing that I can say about my reaction this time is that it made me look at the bigger picture. I'm not even sure why but throughout the day when I wanted to resort to anger I keep remembering that the devil is already defeated.

Don't get me wrong, I'm upset, but this incident coupled with the fact that I call myself a child of God caused me to check my reactions. O.K so I didn't completely ace this character test with flying colors but I was able to keep my composure and know that I'm not going to let this incident ruin my day, or anything more for that matter. I'm an educator. Whoever this person could have been that decided it was worth wile to damage my car for a car charger and some pocket change, was just the motivation I needed to be a better educator so I can keep one kid from choosing mischief over reason and responsibility.

It's even funny that this morning as I thought about the song by JudahLYFE, I'm faced with this incident, and reminded of the lyric that states "No matter the problem or the issue I face, I'll still give Him glory. I'll give Him praise." It's not even so much that the car break in is a big deal. Oh it's a big deal, but I know there are greater things coming for me that I don't want to ruin. All in all, today has been a lesson of responding with praise in those situations that don't appear to call for it. "Praise defeats the enemy." Today reminded me of all the mischief in the world. "Praise releases my destiny." In situations that throw me off balance I have to remember who I believe in and where I'm going.

I share this story as a testimony of how I'm growing. So when life serves it's distasteful moments,which it will. Be sure to check your reactions and never forget God track record when his people decided to respond to those distasteful moments with praise. I'm still working mine out.


Forza D'Italia said…
This came at exactly the right time, it's almost spooky. I've been listening to nothing but the Isaac Carree song all day & thinking this same thing. I was literally just about to give up and get all worked up over something when I got home & saw this. God's timing is ALWAYS perfect:) Nice to know I'm not alone in tryna do things God's way instead of mine.
Alex said…
I'm sorry to hear about that, brother. I'm glad to hear you're dealing with it well. Taking it as motivation to be an even better educator is right on. Good man.
Gordon M. Curry said…
Thanks for posting guys. I'm learning that there is always a method to the madness.

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