Day 2 Again

 I'm at Day 2. It's after 10pm but it's important that I follow through.  What's coming up for me:

I just finished doing some early grading on my winter public speaking course. It's incredible all the things I have to say to pour into students when I'm NOT under a whole lot of pressure. I think that I saw that when I was teaching the classes at Emerson.  This year didn't feel like a strong year for teaching. I'm sorry.  But look at how I do my best work, at least I feel it emotionally when I'm not rushing and I'm moving at a healthy pace. It's something to be said.

Today, I spent most of the day crafting e-mails thinking about the kick off for social justice prayer.  I'd like to see that ministry expand beyond our weekly prayer calls. I'm not sure what ...some type of community that is speaking into what is going on around us, in our communities and giving voice to what God is saying or what God has always said about certain things of this world.  I'm interested to see how it unfolds and particularly how I'll grow in community with others through the good, the bad, the struggle and the triumph. I'm open to see.

Uncle Kevin was really speaking today and I have to go back to the 1/04/24 upper room and really chew on it. One of my take aways is that I have to be intentional about calling on you when I'm in distress. Call on you and keep calling on you and trusting that You will answer. I have to work that into my heart and I can't shy away.

I had a good conversation with John today.  I look forward to getting to know him. So it's day 2 and what's coming up for me comes back to justice now I'm tired lol. Good night.


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