Catch Up

NYLF set me off course because all my days just seemed to run together. It's been over for about a week and a lot has happened since then. First I must send a big shout out to all the staff that I worked with. Our program coordinators spoiled the staff with a big cook out stocked with all the food and sangria you could enjoy as well as a talent portion, in which I knocked their socks off with a rendition of Boyz II Men's How Do I Say Goodbye. Needless to say, it was a good time.
Here's a parody video of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance done by my former boss and his roomate. HILL-AIR-EE-US

The following week, or this past week since I'm recapping everything, I had an interview with The Fund and got to join them as a Field Manager. Well it doesn't stop there, I got a call on Tuesday from ONE to set up a phone interview the following day. I didn't think the phone interview went well, but I got a call on Friday to come meet the director. I'm pumped. As for The Fund, I decided to forgo that opportunity to see what happens with ONE. Could it be, that after a year of unemployment reality, my stint is over. I will definitely get back with you and let you know how that goes.

Having a new found interest in law, I picked up a book on Music Law, since I am interested in songwriting and publishing. I practically read the whole book in one sitting. I've been thinking about how I'm finding out about so many different things that I never thought I'd be interested in. I keep wondering why I never thought to learn about the music business in college, why I never cared to do any direct action political campaigning in college or high school. I look at the benefit of it all and how it fits so well into what I really want and I almost kick myself for not thinking to even look into these things.

My God! During the forum, I made sure that I gave each of my scholars some sincere advice. I literally said "the world doesn't give a what about you." I told them that they shouldn't wait until they finish college or get into college to pursue what they are interested in. Since most of them were interested in law I told them to visit a law firm and ask to shadow someone or do research. Do it for free while you are in high school and once you get that experience and they'll be ten steps ahead of the game when they really want an internship. I told them to own a business or make a business out of what they are interested in. If they like to write find ways to do writing projects. All of these things are principles that I am just now grasping now that I'm 25.

Instead of dwelling on it I'm redeeming the time by being a lot more proactive and focused. So that is what is good with me.

On the music tip I'm looking for open mic gigs to rock out so that I can have more experience performing in front of a crowd. In the midst of building my set I ran into a cover of Beyonce's Smash Into You, which when demoed by Jon McLaughlin was titled Smack Into You. Of course, I like his version better. So I'm going to leave that video with you.


LiFe UnSpoken said…
Saw another job opportunity in my email. I know you looking into alot of things right now, I'm going to put this in your path.

keep it up, Curry!! =]

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