Musings on King

 I remember learning about a year ago about the message Martin Luther King would have delivered Sunday April 7 1968, had he not been killed.  It was titled Why America May Go to Hell.  

I've been asked to lead a ...let's call it a teaching session for my college to commemorate Dr. King and I'm looking to explore some of his more radical messages that were very critical of American politics and economics.  I think I may have found an actual transcript.  It's posted on a medium site and I'm looking to vet this.

In the process of that I thought to reach out to Dr. Clark to see what insights he could give on this. I see that he did a blog on King back in 2020 so I'll check that out. For some reason, Dr. Daniel White Hodge came to mind.  It took me a minute to remember his name but he has a book on Intercultural Communication that I have yet to read but yeah... it's the connection to critical, socially just Christianity and what's fascinating is that he is a communication studies scholar.  Now I'm over here reaching out to this professor when I thought I'd be writing about Dr. King.  Let's see what happens.


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