Climbing this hill

 It feels like a uphill battle.  Why should I journal? I've been doing this for over a decade honestly.  Over a decade of NOT writing.  I'm going to try to have compassion on myself for this because the truth is that I am shouldering way more than I ever have in my entire life.  I wasn't a father when I first started blogging or spending time with God in my writing.  I wasn't a husband. I was in a different place physically, mentally and so much more. So I'll do my best to take it in stride.

I do wonder what it will be like and what will come up if I just commit to writing 30 minutes a day for 10 days straight. Listening to The Walk, the host said writing was like breathing.  I can't help but be cynical because I think back to how much time I once had. Do I use being married and being a father as an excuse.  Who am I really?  If I could do anything in the world what would it be.

At one point it was going to be a concert for young people.  Now, I honestly get stuck. I admit that I'm stuck because the very people in my home that should be my priority I don't treat them as such. That's a hill I'm climbing in myself.

I got a suggestion to go out on a limb and ask about something, put my hat in the ring even though a process is going on.  Bruh that is so bold. I can't help but think that is in poor taste. On the other hand that's scary for me because I wonder what people will think about me knowing I did.  I see it as thwarting a process that I clearly wasn't involved in.  Who knows. I have a decision to make.  The truth is that I would like to at least go through the process. Honestly, learning about equity and justice has breathed new life in me being willing to stay in higher ed. It's breathed new life into what I'd like to study and I have a skill of bringing people together. I can be a more skilled facilitator to create the space but I want to.

I want to get better at moderating panels.  Moderating academic discussions with guests to bring out the best in them and talk candidly.  I want to be able to articulate connections and elucidate what often goes invisible about the way the world is set up.  There is a lot of unknown and I've even said...who am I? I look at some colleagues and I'm the new kid on the block wondering who am I.  Practically the salary bump will be great.  There is also the time commitment and some things I'll have to give up there with my summer.  I don't know Jesus.  The thought of ....Lord what do you think about this?

My mind has been so occupied about being a part of a PT Justice Center and leading the Center at BHCC and honestly I haven't intentionally examined my heart around all of this.  Part of me says, that this is God given but I also don't want something such as this heart's desire to be a part of something big, lead something to be an idol. Lord with all I can I do surrender this to you. Even my heart at this moment is pierced because I don't know how much my heart truly means it. That's my baggage of disappointment.

It is me. I have what it takes to be victorious

I have tended the flock of God and God has given me the grace to be victorious. God has prepared me for what is ahread of me. God has put in me the stamina the wisdom. Draw from the well of wisdom, the well of direction, the well of the Holy Ghost. He leads me in the way that I should go.  Don't try to wear the regalia of Saul to kill my Goliath. It wasn't the stone that brought Goliath down. Do as the Lord has trained me to do.  Be confident in the way God is leading me.  I receive the grace to be confident in the leadership of the Holy Ghost.  It is not the tool that will give me the victory. It is the power of God behind it.  My Goliath has fallen. I will not fail. My Goliath has fallen.

Trust in the way He leads me not in the way He leads others. The Lord is lifting me up in my career and my financial situation.  The presence of God will put me in a class among others. I will testify.


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