Beyond Pumped

 I'm interviewing with a social justice non profit this afternoon.  Lord Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity. I'm overwhelmed with excitement. That feeling you get when you've been picked and you don't think you are good enough or have anything to offer. Is this really happening? I'm ecstatic.

I'm thinking of all the people I want to talk to. I can barely contain myself right now. What's my vision? What do I want to get out of this?  Honestly, I'm looking for the opportunity to gain more skills in organizing around a cause. To be a part of how a dynamic campaign with much at stake is run. I want to learn from pioneers and people working on the ground that believe in a multiracial democracy where the voices of those on the bottom and their allies are not suppressed. I want to be in community with others that believe in pluralistic society. I believe this will inform how I approach further academic study. I also want to give voice to those in the community colleges.

I want to talk with my former graduate advisor about those in communication using critical race theory practices and that are literate. I think back to the think piece we did on the Black Church and although looking back there is so much more that I'd add to my analysis this cat really helped illuminate the underside and social justice imperative within PR.  Before I get to other, why did I study PR. For me it was the social responsibility function, the community organizing and connections.  I think I loved it for how it was a field and practice that brought multiple parties together.  That is what I say in account management in advertising, but honestly I lost my taste for it and music took its place and teaching was my focus to fund what I thought I saw inside of music. 

I want to talk to Dr. G. She has included me in so much and I want to return the favor and have more to add to the communities she has introduced me into. I want to talk to my former roommate Rev Dr  to discuss what conversations about intersectionality are taking place how are ministry leaders using these tools and possibilities to better serve their communities and bring them into the fold of faith for holistic life transformation.  I want to tell Darcy, Jonathan, Damion. I'm such a nerd and I love this.

Deep down what is really taking place is God opening my eyes to what I am capable of intellectually in the realm of the academy and in the community. This fellowship isn't the answer but I believe God can lead me to answers through this learning opportunity. I hope to take what I gain here and share it locally.  I'm curious to explore how the tools of critical race theory and intersectionality can be informed  and shaped by a faith perspective. I'm curious about the possibilities that lay ahead for a community that is not afraid of these tool (prism and practice) and how it ultimately widens and expands how we understand our faith.

After being on the phone with my former roommate looking back  I honestly think that Lord, you are releasing the direction I've been asking for and I'm going to walk in step with what you allow.


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