What Remarkable People Do
I came across the Owners Manual a blog by entreprenuer Jeff Hadden on Inc. I had to share this. I may try to use this as a discussion for my speech class. Here are 19 things remarkable people think everyday.
I have to tell myself "It's no perfect and that's ok," and "That wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined." That is some honest truth for me. How about you.
After reading the Jeff Hadden post, I saw another article shared through Facebook that I thought I should share. I admit to not being a morning person. I spend so much time waking up and being ready to perform for my class that I'm hardly aware of how to make the most of my morning outside of just waking up and making sure I'm not hungry or running late. Take a look at these 10 morning habits of highly successful people.
I think I might be on to something here with sharing motivational and inspiring articles.