I'm good
Christmas is right around the corner and I'm celebrating a few milestones.
I made it through my first semester as a new professor at Middlesex Community College. I'm so happy that I'm finished that I can't even remember all the crazy things I used to complain about. I posted to my facebook wall how much I love my co-workers and that is dead on. I'm in a place where I am supported. I'm in a place where there are opportunities to do more than just teach, so I'm excited about the future. No, I'm not thrilled about being in New England away from family. I'm not super thrilled about the commute and how early I have to wake up. But I'm very pleased with how I have been received by the people around me.
Yesterday I had a sit down with my Provost. I wouldn't even think to do that at my old job. I found out some very interesting things about his life. Overall, it was good to have a meeting of the minds with him. Here is a man with decades of experience, and is probably one of the busiest guys on campus, but he took the time out to pick my brain a bit and encourage me in my future here. Who would have thought that last April, when we met I would be back in his office in December talking about what lies ahead. I feel really good about that. I feel really good about my job.
I'm getting married in 137 days!! Possibly 130. I can definitely say that last April when I interviewed for the job I have now, marriage was the furthest thing from my mind. I was struggling trying to get out of the autonomous mindset. I'm so independent that I still struggle with it. I can say the difference now is that I understand the give and take of compromise more. I understand how to be honest, even when my honesty may hurt someone's feelings. I understand her more. I think the initial shock has worn off. The initial shock of seeing someone respond under pressure in a way that is different than mine. I understand how to respond better. I'm learning more about what I do bring to a relationship. We've had some rough times but I can say everything that has happened I don't regret. I won't look back and that this is the right time and we are becoming the right people for each other.
As I reflect, I can really say that I'm on a cloud. I feel good about where I am. I feel good about where I'm growing.
So what have I enjoyed since being in Boston? This is in no particular order but here goes.
Improv class and Tuesday nights in the North End. I'm learning my way around the city and I'm pretty proud.
Saturday morning farmer's market at Haymarket. Where else can you get 6 limes for $1.
Speaking of which, my home made margaritas.
My 8:30 MWF class being one of the classes I look forward to. That is a stretch because I'm not a morning person. I am not a fan of classes on Friday and I thought this would be hard to get through. I actually enjoyed the students more than I thought I would, and I really thought I would dread it .
James Gate with Mr. Flaherty. This is a really cool dude and I'm glad to be growing in that friendship.
Dinner at the Guerra's. What can I say? The Word, good food, good wine, good conversation, it's great.
The Real Deal: curly fries and a green monster burger. They know better.
Hanging with the Grogans. It's good to be live close to one of my life long friends and see him grow with his family. I love it.