
I want to take an acting class. My goal for the spring is to do so. I figure, I might as well tap into my professional development funds and take advantage of the opportunity.  I think it will boost my teaching and help me be more artistic. It will also be good because I can connect my role as a speech teacher to the theater, which I'm excited about. I'm going to do it.

As always so much has happened since my last post. D. Jakolby Washington & JudahLYFE have been nominated for a DMV Christian Music Award. So go to this link and vote:
I'm sure I told you all about our appearance on Bobby Jones Gospel. Well the show airs on November 4th at 9 am. Hopefully I'll be able to see it. I don't have cable.

Speaking of cable, I'm moving out of DC this weekend.  It's been bitter sweet. My roomate has been gone for two weeks now. I guess I got used to it because the whole summer I had the apartment to myself, which was dangerous--know what I mean. OK, he left. My future roommate moved in with all her stuff boxed up in preparation for the move to the new place, which we just got approved for today.  God works in perfect timing because we were cutting it close. Alexandria, VA here I come.  This will be my first time rooming with a female. We've been friends since high school so yeah she's one of the guys.

Whatelse is new. Nothing just me working like a dog in these classes. I don't know what it is but since I've transitioned to full-time things have been even more hectic and my free time has gotten even more sparse. Luckily I'm making the money I want to make and doing much better. Now it's time to make time for the creative me to soar. Unfortunately, the thirst has not been quenched.  I'll get it together.

One major accomplishment is that I completed my stint with a classical vocal coach.  I actually did very well.  Classical is still hard as hell because soul music and jazz are my heart but now I know I can do it.  Big up to Peggy McNaulty who took me on and encouraged me the whole way through. She is amazing. Now I have an appreciation for Pavaratti, Les Miserables, Shenendoah, and musical theatre.  It's been good.


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