My Battle With Discipline

I'm really talented. Sometimes my talent debilitates me because I use it as an excuse. Unfortunately I'm not as well put together and poised as I make myself out to be. Maybe my observers are aware of this and give me an impression otherwise so that I think I'm pulling a wool over their eyes. To be candid I'm not as self disciplined as I should be. This is a reality that has become oh so very clear as I strive toward personal change this week. 

My talent is like adrenaline. It's good for the moment when I need a quick jolt to make things happen. It gives me the strength to get through. I'm a talented speaker, which helps me in the classroom and helps me to present myself. I have a natural energy to get things done, but I really lack the self discipline to follow through.  Case in point, I start so many work out programs, books, songs, ideas and life happens and I don't finish.  I get bored with routines. I desire novelty in my life so much that I have a hard time being consistent.  I don't say this as an excuse, I say it because this week has shown me that it's time to fight that.

A few days ago, I picked up the R. Kent Hughes book  Disciplines of a Godly Man. This is a book I've had since 2006 and never fully finished. One section spoke about the fact that discipline is what really helps sustain successful people.  Once again it was a smack in the face about the role that self discipline needs to take in my life to help sustain me.

So what am I really talking about? Well for me it's me fighting the urge to stay comfortable. There are many things I want but I shrink back for one reason or another. Desire still calls.  Self discipline that if I want to be a successful musician, I have to take the time to learn my craft and how to use it instead of just depending on the feel of the moment and getting discouraged when I get a reaction from people that doesn't match my expectation.  Self discipline to fight through this Insanity work out that I was so afraid to start that it stayed in the box for two weeks.  Self discipline to keep at it even though it kills me.  I'm getting better each day.

Self discipline to believe in what the Word says about me.  Check this, even Napoleon Hill writer of Think and Grow Rich says that faith comes by what you hear and repetition at that. Crazy huh?  Self discipline to see the bigger picture even though what I desire is not what I'm experiencing.  So there you have it.

I'm working on myself and pushing for progress despite the pain.  It's about progress not perfection.


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