To All The Fathers

Today is Father's Day! My father happened to be out of town with my mother celebrating my aunt's 50th birthday. I made sure I called. Even though the conversation was very brief I made sure not to let the day go by without wishing him well today.  My father lost his father just 3 years ago.  My mother lost her father back in '92. Me and my dad have an interesting relationship.  I feel like I'm still getting to know him. Regardless of what I know and don't know, I am forever grateful that he decided to stand by his commitments.  Whereas I say things, my father is about demonstration. Whereas I'm more off the page, my dad is black and white and logical.  Me and my pops have had our ups and downs but none of that trumps the fact that he's been consistent.

I've never had a time where I was in need of something and he wouldn't come through.  When it came down to it he was going to do whatever was necessary for the family.  My father was never about the drama and I respect the fact that when he speaks, you can't help but listen--even if it's not what you want to hear at the time.  My dad is the truth and I'm learning about how much of a cool guy he is.  No, we don't always see eye to eye and we have different personalities that make us the way we are, but I respect him and I appreciate how his wisdom helps me to see things in a better way. Now that I'm a little older, I'm coming to appreciate the relationship. I don't live at home but I'm more willing to come back and do things just for the simple fact that he's my dad.

A few years ago I started seeing how God would provide for me directly through my dad.  Whereas I'm too prideful to ask, somehow he'd find out I was in need and everything was taken care of.  You can call me spoiled or still under my thumb but I've seen first hand how God used my father to take care of my needs when I didn't even ask. Hell if I'd pass that up.  So today, on this Father's Day I want to send a shout out to my father.  I love you dad.  I already said this today but I appreciate everything.

In the past three years a lot of my friends have become fathers.  I think it is amazing. I'm going to stay in my lane and appreciate the fact that I am not a father nor am I ready. I think Fatherhood is so much more than just the father-son relationship.  No man is perfect and we do the best that we can. I believe that God brings people into our lives to give us what our fathers may not be in the position to provide.  I only have one father but several others have walked through my life and added to the foundation that my dad built in me.  I'm grateful for it all.  To all the fathers out there that have been consistent with their kids. To all the fathers that have sacrificed and made a way for their family when they didn't know if there would be a way for themselves this is to you. To the men that have served as mentors, observers, elders, friends, companions, instructors, etc you are appreciated for what you do.  To my father, I'm glad you made the choice. To my Heavenly Father I thank you and I owe it all to You.  Happy Father's Day everyone.


Charmie said…
Beautifully said.

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