I Was Here

Certain songs give help me say things that I don't have the words to express at the time. Certain songs almost prophecy over my life to what I want to accomplish. Guy code says I should never sing a Beyonce song, so I'm telling on myself when I admit that I really like the song "I Was Here" off her latest album. I had two interviews last week for positions that I never planned to be interested in. Walking out of the last interview made me feel a certain way. God has so much favor in my life. I seen him build relationships and bring opportunities that I never asked for when I was in a place where I had no hope.

I think the greatest thing I could do after college was experience some of the hardships of life and of being in a transition. From not having a job to only working part-time, to being separated from friends and brought to a place where I only had time on my hands. I'm not going to tell a sob story but everyone has those moments that are hard for them. Three years later, here I am, and all I can say is that I didn't do most of what is in front of me. Thank you to everyone that showed support and stuck by me when I felt my lowest. So here I am.

This is one of those post where I'm saying something without saying it. The bottom line is that doors are opening this time around in ways that they have not for quite sometime and it's good.


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