Two Things
I have two things on my mind one of which fuels the fire for the other one. There needs to be justice for Trayvon Martin. A young black teenager was chased and then killed by a white man who happened to be a neighborhood watch volunteer, Zimmerman. Zimmerman went after him saying that the young kid looked "suspicious." The kid was 17 years old and the volunteer was 28. The youth had no weapon on him, and was found with skittles and Arizona tea. Looking further at the facts, this guy calls 911 and they told him not to follow the youth but he follows him anyway. The killer and I'm not saying alleged killer because the event was seen in public, is still out on the streets roaming free. Police say that they didn't have probable cause to arrest Zimmerman. One of the many controversies with this is that the killer is out free. The facts don't add up and the public is not stupid. So far there was a march in New York in support of justice for Trayvon. There are several pics that have went viral drawing a connection between what has happened in this case and other cases where the justice system clearly acted in a discriminatory manner. Also people have posted up pictures to make a statement against what Zimmerman says is "suspicious."

This Saturday, I'm planning on being a part of the march in Freedom Plaza to support justice for the victim and his family. Once again, this event brings to the forefront the issues that arise when it comes to race.
The second thing actually got cleared up a few moments ago. I saw a facebook post about Abercrombie & Fitch, whose reputation for diversity is not glowing with accolades, selling "Nigger" brown and "Nigger" black pants. I immediately posted this to my facebook profile all to find out that it was an Internet hoax.

This Saturday, I'm planning on being a part of the march in Freedom Plaza to support justice for the victim and his family. Once again, this event brings to the forefront the issues that arise when it comes to race.
The second thing actually got cleared up a few moments ago. I saw a facebook post about Abercrombie & Fitch, whose reputation for diversity is not glowing with accolades, selling "Nigger" brown and "Nigger" black pants. I immediately posted this to my facebook profile all to find out that it was an Internet hoax.