JudahLYFE: The Album is Here

It's here so let me enjoy the moment. Freedom to Worship by D. Jakolby Washington & JudahLYFE is here. The first studio project that I was a part of is now available on iTunes for purchase. I'm going to enjoy this moment. I have to do a better job of not being so blazay about major accomplishments like this. I'm happy that our team has made it this far.

Let's see, working on this album has been a stretch. It's taken us close to a year from recording to re-recording, to group member changes, to switching responsibilities to a lot of things that keep you growing. I will say this, although being a part of a gospel group was not something I saw in my path, I firmly believe in where this ministry is going and what all of these sacrifices will lead to. God could not have put me around individuals that really truly care for me the way these guys do. I'm glad to be on this journey with these people.

Recording has been a stretch for me. I'm continuing to overcome issues with my voice. I'm also continuing to realize that my gift isn't about me. I've had to overcome a lot of mental barriers to push myself to get things done the right way in a short amount of time. I've had to work on my attitude--I'm still working on it--when things aren't done the way I'd like them to be. I've had to suck it up and take one for the team when I was leaving the studio at all hours of the night.

Big up to D. Jakolby Washington for his vision and sacrifice. Looking back this album captures the growth our team has been through from the live recording in 2010 to today! I believe in it. Only God knows the full picture so let's live it out JudahLYFE. I guess I was supposed to talk about the album! Oh well. Let's do that another day. Get your copy today! It's only $10 guys.



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