The Best I Ever Felt

I have to capture this before too much time passes. So this March has been my 1 year anniversary of working as a college professor. I currently teach part-time, which means that I've been paying my rent, partying, tithing, and making life work on a wing and a prayer. From this I truly know that God is my source. Well either way, I interviewed for a position as a full-time professor, which means that aside from benefits and more stability, I'll be able to work more closely with students in advising, working over the summer is optional, and I'll still be able to keep the flexible schedule that I got as a part time faculty.

Just my luck--the week of the interview, which included a teaching demonstration and a writing sample, just happened to be a busy week and I could only really prepare Thursday night and Friday morning. As I prepared it was evident that I had a lot riding on making this interview count. When this job comes through this will be my FIRST full-time job. I'm such a late bloomer. It has taken me some time to find a place and a profession that I can truly commit to. For the past year I decided that I just wanted to be happy where I was. Even though working in the classroom had it's challenges, the rewards outweighed them. Like I said, when this opportunity comes through it will be my first full-time job. Whereas all of my peers and colleagues are in their profession here I am 3 years out from graduation and I'm just getting started. Even though I feel insecure about it at times, I'm still grateful for the journey that I have taken. I like what I do and I make just enough to keep my satisfied. Back to the interview, you can imagine that I have a lot riding on not messing this opportunity up. I didn't want to be one of those internal candidates that didn't have his stuff together.

My evaluation of the interview is that I really am. . . how do you say "The SHIT!" I felt like I was soooooooooooo on point. Ok fine! Some of my answers were long winded because I wanted to make sure I answered them. I felt like myself. Strikingly, different scenarios, and examples were coming to mind quickly. The teaching demonstration, which I felt super nervous about went pretty well. As far as the writing sample, I wanted to frame it! It was that dern good. For now, I plan to stay positive. All I want to hear right now is that they want to put an offer on the table. I'm happy where I am and I believe this is my time.

I'll keep you posted fam!


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