Sister got married: I have no pants

My sister got married last weekend and I went a whole day without any pants. It was one of those night where you have such a good time that you're not thinking about all the details except "How can I make it home safe even though I'm tipsy." My cousin had my car earlier so I put all my stuff in another groomsman's car. When it came time to leave I remembered everything except my pants. I finally get to the hotel to change out of the tux and realize that I had no pants. I wasn't going back to DC until later the next day since I decided to party it up with my cousins that night. So I wore the tuxedo pants for the rest of the night on into the next day. This was the one time that I ever wore a combination that did not go together. Oh well! I didn't get a set of pants until 4p.m. the next day.

I'm sooooooo proud of my sister and her husband. I almost cried but I wasn't going to let everyone see that. Come on. What do I look like? I've been in weddings and I've gone to weddings but this was the first wedding that meant so much to me. This was a milestone for my family because my sister was the first of my parents kids to get married off. This was the first time in a long time that my family came together for something positive. It was really an unforgettable time.

As I reflect on the time I had there wasn't one particular thing that stood out. I'm reminded of how much I love being a part of the family I'm in. Yes there was drama and ridiculous things people said and did to try to ruin the occasion, but as I was telling my older cousin, this was one time where all the negative stuff just seemed to roll off my back because the good that came out of it meant so much more. I love my family and I realize how much I am loved back.

My sister asked me to do a toast. I managed to calm down for one second, not quite tipsy but not quite sober. Yes I stumbled on my words. I probably took too long to speak but danggit that's my sister. I was going to seize the moment no matter how awkward it started or ended. To the newly joined Mr. & Mrs. Good. I love em. Here are some pics


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