2012 and Beyond

By now I would have done a commemorative post where I spoke about all the future things I want to do in 2012, all the revelation, all the big thing and such. It's almost February and I haven't paid too much attention to the lounge. Can you believe it, I'm at my 300th post. I should have more but I'm going to make the most of what I have.

As much as I try to run from it or focus on other gifts my one true passion has always been music, specifically songwriting. I've always had something in the way that has discouraged me from even making baby steps. I can't say an obstacle won't come but I'm proud of the moves I've made so far. My goal for awhile has been to get reference tracks finished so that I can begin to pick the work to other artists. This past week I scheduled two early morning sessions with Marcus "dafingaz" Manderson and to say the least I really like how our projects sound. I really like how they sound. I'm using this as an opportunity to fall forward, learn the business, and make some good music.

So far I've had conversations with 3 others that I've worked with over the years about getting serious with our craft and building up our catalog. I'm very excited about the opportunity and want to do what I can to take that risk. I'm proud of myself that I'm moving away from just talking about things to actually making it happen.


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