Thanksgiving Break Recap

I just got off the phone with one of my cousins on my dad's side. My family is so huge that when you take a look at my family that cousin could be just about anyone. Either way, she called to make sure that I got back home alright. I made sure to tell her that I had a blast this past weekend. Here's a recap of my Thanksgiving weekend.

Wednesday night: dinner and karaoke with the cousins. My silly family and I had to be the only ones in the restaurant actually doing karaoke. I decided to be the brave soul and get things kicked off with "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy. I only knew the rhythm and the hook and not the verses. With that said, there were plenty of lines that I completely missed. My youngest sister followed up with "No Scrubs," which then turned into a choir of all the Curry granddaughters belting out the song across the restaurant. Next thing I remember was doing the Cupid Shuffle and then getting tired because that song is hella long. We left the restaurant happy.

The night continued at the the club. I do not remember the name of the club but there are a few things that I will remember. Actually I remember only one: the monstrous smell of sewage surrounding the club. Keep in mind that I'm with my family: my cousin, her boyfriend, my younger cousin, my sister, her fiance, and my youngest sister. As we are walking towards the entrance somebody yells out "Who farted." Everyone admits to smelling it but no one claims it. The smell gets worst as we notice a large puddle of something. The smell turns gawd awful and we realize that it is the puddle of something, which turns out to be sewage. The smell never goes away. We manage to get into the club for free since one of my cousins works for the radio station 103.9 The Beat. We make our way to the back of the club near the DJ booth and it's a wrap. About half and hour of being in the club the smell attacked us again. There was a door near the DJ booth. The door happened to be on the side where we smelled the sewage. Some genius decides to open the door and in comes the gawd awful aroma reeking havoc on my precious nostrils and everyone else in the club.

We made it home safe and sound.

Thursday: Thanksgiving dinner and broken down car. Dinner was great. I experienced an unfortunate moment because we didn't eat anything until after 4p.m. A trip to grandma's wouldn't be right without experiencing watching television in her room with the heater turned up to Hell fire. We all joke about how hot it is in her room. I feel like my sister inherited that preference because riding in her car is like volunteering to sit in a sauna for hours. I upapologetically pigged out on all the foods that give black people high blood pressure and diabetes until I couldn't take anymore. Then when it was all over I went back for another round. After that my cousins, sister, and I piled in the car and left.

We didn't make it too far until the alternator completely gave out. Nobody had roadside assistance. Luckily the insurance agent added so that we could get to where we needed to go without paying a ridiculous amount. Everything got taken care of and the tow-truck would show up at 9:05. It was 7:45. I looked at my cousin's boyfriend and asked, "So we got the car taken care of, but how are we getting back to the house." All 5 of us needed a ride to Columbia, SC from way out in the country. The tow truck showed up at 8:15--lucky for us. Even luckier, he let ride in our car while secured on the back of the tow truck, which is highly illegal and super cool. So that was how I ended Thanksgiving: riding in a car secured to the back of a tow truck.

The rest of the weekend just sailed on!


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