
Now that all the hype of turning 27, and partying like I should have been doing all my life, is but a memory I feel like I need to say something just to stay relevant to my readers. I promised myself this week that I wouldn't say anything bad about my neighborhood but I relented on that promise when I heard gun shots go off. How do I know they were gun shots? Well, I don't. It could have been a clever fire cracker for all I know. What I do know is that them mugs went off 4 times consistently.

I also think someone got killed, shot, or wounded a block away from my complex. Here's the story: After a wonderful birthday dinner with my parents, younger sister and her fiance, they all follow me back to my place to drop off the 40" flat screen my dad bought for my birthday. Thanks dad. My father has been to my place. My sister has been to my place. My mother has never been to my place. I go to turn down the street I normally turn down to get to my complex and it is taped off. The cops and an ambulance were inside the tape. I'm thinking to myself, as I always do when I see the cops and the ambulance anywhere near my block, "Awww here we go again."

What was annoying was that my mom had never been to my place so here comes the worrying. I'm 27 years old and my mom still worries about me. Sweet a'int it. Annoying but sweet. So after my people drop off my TV I have a conversation with my folks about how unsafe my neighborhood is. I know this. I knew this when I moved here and I'm alright. So once again the depressing, nature of my neighborhood is a subject. All I can do is shake my head and see what's next.

In other news my cousin invited me to join his book club. He's never run a book club. I've never been in a book club. This is a cousin that I didn't meet until two years ago. My family on my mother's side is so large and we hardly have family renuions that I'm confident that I have cousins, second cousins, and third cousins that I have not met. Either way, dude is very socially conscious and aware, like myself---or at least I can hold a conversation that gives that appearance. We'll be taking a look into Dr. Claud Anderson's Powernomics. I took a look at the full length video lecture and I agree with a good bit of what he claims. He talks about the impact of racial monopolies in our society and how blacks need to learn the game and compete. At least that is what I took from it. Overall, I agree with his philosophy, not because it is pro-black but because it supports being business owners and uncovers the detrimental habits and way of thinking that a good number of blacks adopt. I disagree with his claims about the church being used as a vehicle to control blacks. I believe it has been intentionally used as such in the past, but a person's faith is never the product of a person in authority trying to control and manipulate someone, not when it is based on sound principles and judged critically through the experiences of life.

Other than that, I'm taking steps to work full time for NVCC. We'll see.


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