Shallow As Hail

As much as I hate quoting untraceable studies, according to previous instructors a person's degree of attractiveness influences his or her likability and their ability to persuade. This is common knowledge. Think about it. A popular night club will never hire an ugly person. A smart marketing agency will not hire an ugly person. There is a certain swagger that these industries look for and to make the grade you better not in the least be considered ugly. That's the marketing field.

So what does this have to do with me? For the past week, I've considered how this dynamic influences me. My sister and I had a brief but hysterical conversation about how ugly people stay loosing. For some reason I more openly express frustration, annoyance, and all around disgust with people who I consider to be not so easy on the eyes. On the other hand I'm more patient and easy going with people that I consider attractive. This is true for people I think are attractive physically, socially, and professionally. Unfortunately, I do the same with students. Ahhhh whatever--don't judge me.

I've worked with youth for over 5 years. As I reflected upon my own shallowness, I was reminded of how I hardly ever yell at the cute kids, but with the moogly looking kids I stay screaming at the top of my lungs when I tell them to do something. Maybe it's the way some of these mugs can't eat a snack with out getting it all around their mouth and dropping crumbs on the floor. How these crumbs get 5 feet away from where they are sitting. Maybe it's the way the cute kids cry that touches my heart while the ugly kids scream, holler, convulse and make the most gawd awful sounds no human should ever make when upset. There's no such thing as an ugly kid but you know you've seen some. You know you have. C'mon not even one. Riiiiiight

It even comes through when I'm working with teenagers and college students. I caught myself being super sarcastic to a student and I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was about this person that just got to me. Good kid, smart guy, but he reminds me of a gorilla. OK so he didn't look like a gorilla. I said that just for a laugh. I know what I'm saying is pretty bad and much of it is an exaggeration and sarcasm, but think about it. . . a person's perceived attractiveness has an impact on how others will treat them.

Unfortunately I've been typical and treated people according to how I perceive them outwardly. My use of the term ugly is an exaggeration so don't get your panties all wrestled up because I choose a term for impact and not because it was civilly or politically correct. Truth be told, there are plenty of people that I am drawn to because of who they are and not how they look. There are also plenty of people that can be considered good looking but say some of the stupidest most ignorant things, and act so stank that whatever was good looking about them suddenly vanishes. The point here is that we need to evaluate how we treat people. What is it based on?

Unfortunately I'm realizing that I can be shallow. I can also be insensitive. This is UnChristian like. I haven't found a way to reconcile it just yet. Am I completely wrong? In what ways are you like me in this matter? How should I be? Laugh about it and think about it further.

Before I go I want to tell you guys that I really wanted to spice this post up with some pictures. I did a google image search for ugly people and I could not in good conscious download any of those pictures to my computer. Nor could I waste my eye patience to tolerate looking long enough to repost it to this blog. What I saw was too much for me and I almost started cussing.

Follow Me: @jusflashgrdn


Charmie said…
Yes, Gordon, you are all kinds of wrong for this post!!! But if you're wrong, so are the rest of us who are equally as guilty. While I can't confess to calling anyone "moogly" (lol ... creative?), I can admit to subconsciously harboring similar biases. I just think that it's a question of making ourselves see others -- all of God's children -- the way He sees them. When we do find ourselves harboring those thoughts, that's where we need to go.

And as it seems standard, you definitely know something about keeping it real. But on a more serious note, in between posts, you think you can add "moogly" to the urban dictionary? LOL.
Gordon M. Curry said…
I didn't know I could add things to the urban dictionary. I'll get around to that. Thanks!

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