I don't get very many opportunities to speak in public. What am I saying? I'm a speech professor. What I mean is that I don't get very many opportunities to prepare a message for an audience. I actually have a love-hate relationship with opportunities like that. I love it when it's over but I hate all the work that I have to do that leads to them. Sometimes I'm on it. Sometimes I'm not, but even when I'm not my gift of gab kicks in and I psyche people out by my charm.

So tomorrow afternoon I get to speak at an outdoor community event in honor of school starting back up. Now that I have this blog, it has proven to be a great way for me to talk and think through opportunities like this. As much as I tell my students to practice their speeches aloud and not in their heads, I'm tempted to go against my own instruction out of pure laziness. Consider this one of many steps to move away from what I am tempted to do seeing as how this speech will be delivered less than 24 hours from now. Here's a synopsis of what I'm thinking.

Consider that I just created an intro to wow the public into paying attention to me.

Today I'm going to talk to you about some of the things you will need to make goals. So the first thing you need to know is how to spell goals. By a show of hands can you help me spell goals. G-O-A-L-S! There we go. You have just come farther than most.
So when making goals here are somethings you'll need to do
G- Go for Your Dreams/Passion
O- Own Up
A- Allow Life to Happy
L- Listen & Learn
S- Seek God in everything

So let's look at G - Go for Your Dreams. Go for YOUR dreams or better yet go for YOUR passions. The key is here is to go after what you yourself choose. Not what YOUR friends think you should do. Not what others think is best for you. Not what your parents want of you or what you think will make the most. Go after the thing that you can spend hours doing and not get bored. So G- Go for YOUR dreams.

Next we have O- Own Up! Own up to what it takes to go after your dreams. Own up to the fact that you want to accomplish this goal. Own up to the changes you'll have to make. Also own up to doing what you need to do to pursue a particular path.

James 2:17 Faith not accompanied by action is dead. So what are somethings you need to do to get to where you want to go, or do what you are interested in. Read a book about it! Talk to someone that does what you want to do or does something close. Go where these people go. Where as Owning Up involves the things you can control. . . what do we do about the things that we can't control

A - Allow Life to Happen. Circumstances beyond our control are bound to happen whether we like it or not. Most of the time we don't like it. We loose something we thought we needed to get through. Something unexpected happens in our health or in our personal life that throws us off track. What do you do? You live through it and never forget what you originally intended. Even when the circumstance tells us that our original goal can't happen. You move forward and decide if you are going to listen or not. I hope you don't listen to that voice.

Next we have L- listen & learn. I'm a fan of not working harder but working smarter. Working smarter. No one can honestly say that there is no one who has not been where they are. So when it comes to listening reaching your goals involves opening your ears and taking the advice of older people who have either been down your path or seen other go down your path. Experience is a teacher but some experiences should be avoided because they waste time and keep you on a path longer than expected. Let's get accustomed to Proverbs 15:22/ Proverbs 4

Not only should you listen you should also cherish learning. Some of you all can't wait for school to be over. Even myself I couldn't wait to be done with my Masters. After I walked across that stage, got my degree, did my dance and left to celebrate with friends and family, it was that moment that I realized that my learning would only increase because of all the things that life would expose me to. Be committed to being a life learner.

So we have G-Go for your dreams , O- Own Up, A- Allow Life to Happen, L- Listen & Learn and now we have S which ties it all together. S- Seek God. We've got to seek God. Seek to grow closer to God, seek to know God, seek to love God. We've got to seek God first and throughout. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things will be added unto us. All of this comes together when we recognize the source. If we are lacking in any of these areas seeking God is what will bring it together. Seeking God will put us in touch with our dreams. Seeking God will give use the wisdom and strength to own up so we can carry out our dreams. Seeking God will allow us to move forward and press on when life happens. Seeking God will direct us to those we need to listen to and learn from.

So now that we've talk about the things it takes to make goals what are you going to do? Class dismissed!


Charmie said…
You had me at "L." There is a particular situation that I am dealing with and have been seeking God on. This was the second time I came across Proverbs 4, so unknowingly, this post has ministered to me. Thank you.

I know I can spell G-O-A-L-S, so I'm half-way there; sooo using this :-D
Gordon M. Curry said…
Thanks sis. I'm glad that it spoke to you. Nothing but the best!

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