Class In Session

Tomorrow class will be in session and I don't exactly have it all together. Trust, I'll have it on point by class time. This semester I've made a few changes. Instead of doing 8 week sessions to bring in the bank, I'm teaching the full 16-week semester. This will give me more time to focus on the students and actually give me time to plan assignments. Assignments: that's another area I have bulked up on.

Buddy boy those that had me last Spring had it good. I rarely had assignments but I was hard on them when it came to the work they actually did turn in. This time I'm more informed and am ready to facilitate the progress of my students. The only thing right now I'll be somewhat winging is this public speaking class I picked up last week. Enrollment for that class was through the roof so I took on that course to make sure I had enough classes to keep me at a certain income level. Speaking of enrollment all my classes are full. I want to roll my eyes because that means real work for me. I say that sarcastically. We'll see how many really make it.

Saturday was an eventful day. So the speech I thought I was giving, I didn't give. I guess the message was just for me. It's good to know I have something in my repertoire to present when the time comes. Nevertheless, the Back 2 School Jam was jam packed with kids. It was like our whole team was drowning in a sea of kids. One minute I'm setting up a snow cone machine, next thing I know, I'm serving snow cones a never ending line of chaps. It was fun. Hella hot, but fun. I enjoyed it.

In other news, I'm actively seeking employment as an Academic Advisor, or related position. I expect to continue teaching but I've made room in my schedule to pick up a 9-5. I expect to be working my tail off this semester! That is all I can say.

I got a chance to visit the University of Maryland and meet with an Assistant Director in a department that I applied to. I enjoyed my interaction and got a good feeling being on that campus. We'll just have to wait and see where the cards fall for me. I'm liking where things are going.

I also got approached by a student organization to be their advisor. I want to say no so bad because my eye sights are else where. As soon as I get the green light my time as a part-time instructor will be limited, but my heart for students is kicking in. It's almost like I can't say no because all of my alternative recommendation on possible advisors had to respectfully decline. So what is I's gone do? Ugh, maybe I should. Can someone help me with this decision. Even still, I'm liking where things are going in my life right now.

Just think this time last year I was jobless and cynical. Now I'm just cynical LOL. Not so much but I don't forget where I was and I'm eternally thankful that things did work out. For everyone in a tough circumstance all I can say is surround yourself with people that believe in you. Do what you can to enjoy life until you get a platform to move forward. That's it for now.


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