Attractiveness Factor

I did it again. I did it again. I gave another person privileges according to their attractiveness. I'm leaving the parking lot and I stopped at the cross walk. I'm a city guy so bump a cross walk, if I need to get through I'm going to rush the pedestrians out of the way. No, I don't run over pedestrians I just inch out a bit so they know I'm going through. Well, I would have normally done that but there was a very interesting missess that I wanted to enjoy walk out in front of me.

That's when it happened. I remembered writing about this very thing: how I treat people according to their attractiveness and give privileges to those that I consider more attractive than others. So in this case, I'm more likely to be rude and run over a pedestrian if I don't care for them. But let a good looking female walk out in fron of my car. I become the most polite some of a gun you ever met.


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