Spokes model Audition & U.N.I News

So here is what is up: I thought I said good-bye to modeling but I auditioned for a potential spot as a spokes model for Fairfax Studio. Pretty much they use spokes models to fit the needs of their clients. I did, I said good bye to modeling but this opportunity I actually get to say something, which is the one thing I was missing.

I don't think the audition went spectacular but I had fun. They couldn't get the teleprompter working so the boss man just asked me a bunch of questions. One of them, I rambled through until I could find an answer. Call it the gift of gab but being concise has never been my strong point. I'm interested in seeing what happens here. I could definitely use the extra $100 an hour.

In other news team U.N.I is on the move as always. At the end of last month Royalty aka Mr. 129 shot the video for "Gotta Get It" featuring Mr. U.N.I himself Brian Americus, as well as our Good Wood NYC Peace.Life.Love chain. Peep the video and follow us @uniclothingco. Facebook: Brian Americus or U.N.I Clothing Co.

That same week Christian rapper William Branch aka The Ambassador rocked the U.N.I Glow for Day 20 of the 30 day Stop The Funeral Campaign. Shoot I remember back in 2006 the long nights sitting up with Brian writing out the action plan for U.N.I, which was only an idea at that time--no product. I remember vividly how he wanted to get Christian artists to rock his designs. To see that happening is amazing. It's definitely not on the level we all dreamed but it's awesome to see that it is happening before our eyes. All to The Son. Peep the video:

What's crazy is that I had to check our website to find all of this out. The team has been on hiatus pursuing other ventures while staying true to the dream of U.N.I. I've been grinding as a professor, Profound Thought has been pushing her book, performing, and keeping her site in tact. Brian has been grinding on all things U.N.I. Being a part of a small business has been interesting, frustrating, and overall just a growing experience. One thing I will say is that it has been rewarding being able to spend time with people that are headed in the same direction as me. I'm really enjoying learning where I fit in the scheme of leadership. I expect only great things. Shout out to the U.N.I fam and all of it's supporters.

Follow me @jusflashgrdn


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