My Scores on Rate My Professor

I'm headed to Philly in the morning and I'm up applying to a position at UMD! I got the urge to see my rating on and here is the feedback that I got.

This is further proof that I would have loved to have myself as an instructor. Since they said I was so easy, I'll definitely have to make sure I make things harder. HA HA HA Snitches! In all honesty, I appreciate the kind remarks. This just made my night. They like me. They really like me.


Charmie said…
That's pretty cool! Though most people in education don't say it much, our students' perception of us is really important. Not in the "I'll feel bad if they don't say something nice about me" way, but in a more validating way, that the most important people approve of our service. So humbling ... and just awesome!

Side note: How uncomfortable is that chili pepper piece on ratemyprof? Awkward. LOL.
Gordon M. Curry said…
Chili Pepper Piece! LOL. I don't think I'd mind if my students rated me on my hotness. The closest I got was having a student ask me if I was a model and telling me that I should. Oh well.

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