In Memory of Amy Winehouse

The song "You Know I'm No Good" has been ringing in my head for the past hour. I woke up this morning to a facebook post saying R.I.P Amy Winehouse. Moments later every major news source confirmed the speculation. In her memory I've decided to post some performances and music videos.

Of course I can't walk away without sharing my opinion but this to me is like some Heath Ledger/ Black Swan shit, excuse my french. Art imitates life or maybe the other way around. Let's think about it Heath Ledger takes on the role of the Joker in Batman and is found dead toward the end of shooting. Aaliyah plays the queen of vampires and dies in a plane crash. Then Amy Winehouse, although not an actress but incredibly gifted none the less is found dead in her apartment. Another young artist dies. I mean really think of all of the promising singers who were ahead of their time yet plauged by inner demons, bad relationships, and fame who died young. Donnie Hathaway, Elvis Presley, Billie Holiday, Kurt Cobain. It's like their music for shadows their fate.

It all makes me wonder what the heck have these people gone through and who is around them to jack them up so much that things like this happen. I peeped this video that was released this morning concerning her death.

Let's look at Amy Winehouse before her 2006 album. It's a completely different person---maybe not that extreme but close to a different person. I sit and watch this video and realize that much of what we know about Amy Winehouse/ any celebrity is a narrative. It's a story made up to help us understand who this person is. We've known her as a crack head that is hella talented. Think of MJ, we know him as a child star, greatest entertainer in the world, a weird guy, a to some a child molester. All of these characteristics are things we know of these people because we see them in the news. We don't really know who these people are and what goes on in their life unless they reveal it, even then media manipulates stories so we know what they want us to know.

I'm probably not making any sense but I really feel like there is more to the Amy Winehouse story than the public perceives. I look at facebook posts about her death saying that although her death is shocking, people are not surprised. I venture to say why not? Did you really know her? The public knows what the media wants to portray. Honestly, I believe the media can work to kill a person off so that when their death comes it was all a part of the greater narrative on them. I really have to question why things like, the death of a young promising artist are so common. Fame isn't what it is cracked up to be--as an outsider looking in--but I really wonder what goes on on the inside.


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