Work Ethic.

Happy Father's Day!

So today was a good day except for a minor set back. You guessed it. I'm going to talk about the set back. I have another job at a restaurant that shall remain nameless. The service industry is awesome at scheduling people to work at the shortest of notices. After about a month of taking off most of my weekends I was finally able to get back on to the schedule and I get scheduled at the times that are the hardest for me to juggle: Saturday nights and Sunday mornings. I managed to make it on Saturday but today, Sunday--and it being Father's Day, was going to be a mess. I had to help out at church, which means that the morning shift from 11-4, which I was scheduled, was out of the question. Me being the planner I am, I get someone to cover my morning shift while I took that person's evening shift. Everything would work out great.

I had an amazing time at church. I need all the Jesus I can get going to this job. This is a job that I know I'll be putting my two weeks in very soon. It would happen sooner but honestly, when I'm not there throughout the week I don't think to call or come in. So I go into work under the impression that someone was covering for me. My manager looks at me and says I'm 4 hours late. It was at that point that the person I thought was covering for me actually didn't come through. Lucky me, or not so lucky me, I actually came in an hour before the evening shift. Ok, so I was 4 hours late. I tried to explain myself but what I perceived that the manager wasn't listening to me. To take it a step further I got the sense that he'd think I'd do such a thing: come to work 4 hours late.

Now I'm venting on my blog because I'm upset about something. I'm upset, not because I got screwed over by another co-worker. To be honest, I'm on my way out the door with that job anyway, but I'd rather quit amicably and know that I handled myself in the right way. What upset me was that in that moment, whether it was spoken or not, I sensed that the manager would think I would deliberately come in 4 hours late. I mean I hate the job, I'm doing better for myself, but I'm not that kind of person.

My track record shows that if I'm going to be late, I call. My track record shows me as a team player. At the end of the day I handle mine. As I'm writing, and as I walked out I realize that I don't care for people perceiving my work ethic to be sub par or minimal. My tardiness was an honest mistake. What's crazy was that my manager said you don't seem as upset as I am that you are this late. I told him politely, what would you like me to do? I was willing to stick around for a bit and help out since it was such a big misunderstanding. Truth be told, when he said, "I think I'll just send you home," I was not complaining. I had a Father's Day dinner with the family that I could make.

I guess the moral of this story, if there is one is to know yourself even when the opposite is being perceived of you. I guess that's what it comes down to. Unfortunately, I wanted to get out of there so bad that I still haven't put in my two weeks. As I rode home, thinking about how I'm going to get out of going to work next weekend, I thought about calling out sick. I'm sick alright. Sick of that damn job!! I'll get it together and just end that relationship very soon.


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