
I'm over here eating a cinnamon roll trying not to get that icing all over my keyboard. I got Mr. Moon trying to come up with a name for his goodbye party to celebrate the fact that he will be studying in Australia. As always I have a million thoughts taking place in my brain. Maybe I might say something profound or maybe I'll ramble until I find myself. Now I'm playing Ndelible. I just want to make music. I'm participating but not making music. As always, hopefully I'll make room for it this upcoming month.

I'm not 100% my job but that's all I've been able to talk about. I don't want to talk about it but I want to relax. I'm so disciplined that I wild out or sleep the day away when the opportunity arises. Too bad I wake up the next day ticked off by the consequence of letting things go. I'm not sure what I'm saying now.

As I get older I get more stubborn. I have become especially stubborn in the area of getting to know people. Unless there is a business or personality connection I honestly don't care much to know new people. I'm not sure what it is. I'm actually a part of a business where I am so out of touch with everyone that it's ridiculous. I'm becoming more introverted. Actually I'm becoming more purposeful in who I let around me. I've also become more deceptive in my nonverbals. At least I think I am. I've been having a lot of conversations with people where in my head I'm screaming that this is whack, as I smile and nod and ask more questions. Call me fake, I'm just trying to give people a chance.

Life is feeling pretty bland. I can't wait for this concert tomorrow


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