Wing Man

Thursdays at 5 are always the start of my weekend. I'm completely done from a week of teaching and all I want is a couch, a glass of wine, and a meal to unwind before the weekend. This time I decided to pull up enough energy to head into the city , D.C., and kick it with one of my homies from school. So let's fast forward to the funny part of the night--or at least it was funny to me. It's 11:30, the Miami Heat beat out the Bulls and are headed to the Finals vs. Dallas, my friend wants to go on the prowl.

I really don't do the prowl thing. I usually stick to my personal networks when it comes to meeting women. Why? For me it's more about having mutual friends and acquaintances that help me see the red flags but it is what it is. This mug happened like clock work. We stop by Marvins then head over to Busboys & Poets. On the way my friend stops some chick that he knew from a store he's shopped at. She recognizes him and tells him to come to Marvins. She with a few of her friends one of which, I promise you, reminded me of Beyonce's character Foxy Cleopatra in the Austin Powers movie. She was pretty dope, very nicely put together. So I had a personal incentive to go back to Marvin. I'll call her Cleo

Fast forward to Marvin's. We came back we might as well talk a little more to the females we just met. So we do. My friend approaches the one he was interested in. I do the same. I meet Cleo and a few of her friends. My homie is on the other end of the group talking to his chick. Cleo tells me she is an artist. I tell her I definitely got the creative vibe from her when I first saw her. She tells me about how her and her friends work at a vintage clothing store then after a few exchanges she says she's waiting on her boyfriend. I ask how long they've been together. She say six years. I congratulate them and ask what does he do. He is an artist as well. I ask her about how they make it work since they are both in the same field of work. She goes on about her art work and I'm no longer listening but smiling. I look over at my friend and he is lost in his conversation.

I move on to converse with another female who is into sign language. Not my type but I need to pass the time, plus I sipped my drink so I had nothing to occupy myself. So as I'm conversing with the other female she tells me they are all there for a friend's bday party. I never spoke to the friend but I'm thinking to myself "Dang I just crashed somebody's Bday party and I'm here with a bunch of strangers." Oh well my boy is having a good time. I look up and Cleo's boyfriend is in the group. No problem. She introduces us. AWKWARD. "Yeah man, I'm the dude that just tried to hit on ur woman before you got here." I didn't say that, I just played it cool, pointed to my friend saying that my friend knew one of Cleo's friend's from the store. I asked about their artwork since that was the one thing I remembered. Cleo's boyfriend tells me about a few shows he's hosting and Cleo gives me her business card. My friend leaves the crowd so I tell everyone goodbye. Hmmm I thought the experience was hilarious.


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