Made It

Fam, it's been a long time coming. My focus for the past six months has been on all 70 odd students that I have taught this semester. I can say that I'm talking to you just after I've reached the end of the first semester. It has been crazy. Crazy good, crazy strange, crazy awkward, crazy inspiring, and all around a crazy learning experience for me. I'm very proud that I have been slightly initiated into higher education and I want more. More for myself. More for others. I'm in a good place.

So while I'm in that good place, never actually attaining all of the top things I've been reaching for, I get an opportunity to possibly go back to NYC. I'm in talks with a recruiter who thinks that I may be a good fit for some of the agencies on her list. With that said by mid June I'll be taking a trip back to the big city to see about it all. What's funny is that I haven't thought about working at an agency since leaving NYC back in 2009. When 2010 came in--now 2011--my focus shifted primarily on education. I'm not complaining. The only things that make the move complicated--if I was to move--is my place in JudahLYFE, my church, and the clients that I have. I don't know but I'm not going to do like I usually do and prematurely shut it down without investigating the options.

Like I said, I'm in a good place. I like where I am. I mean not exactly, I still live at home with my folks, but then again in this economy there are folks that would kill to do so. I'm good.

Congratulate me on making it to the end of the semester. I've endured: students that can't write; students that fail to show up to class then get upset with me because they are failing; students that go missing for weeks come to find out they were in jail; drama between students working in groups; tons and tons of late work; tons and tons of excuses for late work; students that I'd actually like to grab a drink with; students that are going to bless the world in the future; admins and secretaries with attitudes; faculty that get buck with me but change up when I show them I'm faculty LOL; colleagues that are great mentors; completely forgetting what class I'm in; and much more. I love it. I hate it. I'm becoming better.


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