
Showing posts from May, 2011


I'm completely wasting time when I should be grading but my student started a business when he was 18. I really need to get my life together. The name is Aspetto .

Wing Man

Thursdays at 5 are always the start of my weekend. I'm completely done from a week of teaching and all I want is a couch, a glass of wine, and a meal to unwind before the weekend. This time I decided to pull up enough energy to head into the city , D.C., and kick it with one of my homies from school. So let's fast forward to the funny part of the night--or at least it was funny to me. It's 11:30, the Miami Heat beat out the Bulls and are headed to the Finals vs. Dallas, my friend wants to go on the prowl. I really don't do the prowl thing. I usually stick to my personal networks when it comes to meeting women. Why? For me it's more about having mutual friends and acquaintances that help me see the red flags but it is what it is. This mug happened like clock work. We stop by Marvins then head over to Busboys & Poets. On the way my friend stops some chick that he knew from a store he's shopped at. She recognizes him and tells him to come to Marvins. She ...

Things that make Jesus go SMH

As a musically inclined person I can't stand crap like this. As a Bible-reading Christian I sure as hell can't stand stuff like this. Jesus has a serious sense of humor to allow people like this gain a platform in a church. So sad.

I had a dream

This is so crazy. I had a dream that one of my former students put their hands on me. Put their hands on me as in attacked me. She scratched me on the side of my head and I ran out of the room to go tell the administration. So once in the administrative office, I speak to a policeman who tells me they are going to go get her. He leaves to go get her. As soon as he leaves out of one door the student rushes into another door and charges for me saying slyly "Hello Professor Curry." Then I wake up. This mug was really crazy and I don't know why I'm tripping over it.

Made It

Fam, it's been a long time coming. My focus for the past six months has been on all 70 odd students that I have taught this semester. I can say that I'm talking to you just after I've reached the end of the first semester. It has been crazy. Crazy good, crazy strange, crazy awkward, crazy inspiring, and all around a crazy learning experience for me. I'm very proud that I have been slightly initiated into higher education and I want more. More for myself. More for others. I'm in a good place. So while I'm in that good place, never actually attaining all of the top things I've been reaching for, I get an opportunity to possibly go back to NYC. I'm in talks with a recruiter who thinks that I may be a good fit for some of the agencies on her list. With that said by mid June I'll be taking a trip back to the big city to see about it all. What's funny is that I haven't thought about working at an agency since leaving NYC back in 2009. When...

I Surrender My Life
