
What's going on family? It's February already. Like any normal person I get so consumed by the pace of life that I haven't kept everyone up to date. Forgive me. Here's what is going down.

U.N.I. updates:

Fresh back from the Stellar Awards our team made business connections with Kingdom Swag. This is a great opportunity for both our teams because we get to take the lead on the fashion front and the KS team has a network of artists in which to build relationships to expand our brand. I'm not sure how much info I can release but expect to see some big things in April taking place in Atlanta. Also Mr. U.N.I has been working with Iz-Real of Everyday Process to design a shirt to go along with his Loser Mixtape. Take a look at what we have. Since we are on the subject,peep U.N.I's online boutique to take a look at our past collection and make a purchase if interested.


The MADSOUL mixtape Vol. 1 is going strong if you haven't peeped it get it in time for Valentine's day. Don't forget to follow him on Twitter:@iamsoul or become a fan on Facebook: Oscah


DC Fashion Week Feb 21-27 is a week away. Come party with me Monday Feb 21 at Tabaq Bistro. Thursday's and Friday's events are escaping me but I'll talk about it later. Saturday, come show me some love as I walk in the Menswear Showcase at the Washington Post Convention Center. I think that is the name of the location. Crap visit this site for the correct information on it.

I don't talk much about ROE on my blog but I want to let you all know that I go through a review from the agency's executive team next Saturday. They will let me know if the progress I've made is good enough for me to continue on their roster. Otherwise, I'll have to part ways with the agency and seek further improvement. I'm preparing to hear both a yes or a no. I mean, of course, those are the possible answers I could be given. If they give me a yes, then I know the rest of the year is going to be the ride of my life trying to get up to agency standards. If they tell me that I'm not ready, I can honestly say that I've appreciated my time working with the team and pushing myself to creative and personal heights that I never would have pushed myself to had I not gotten chosen.

I'm still sorting out where the modeling career will fit in to my life/purpose. I never set out to model, but since September I've experienced a lot of luck in that area. Yes I have flaws. I'm not enough of something that another person is, but from my standpoint things have worked. I've made mistakes, DC Urban Fashion Week, I've grown, and I've made it into shows that I thought I wouldn't have. If I were to be cut from the agency, I've already settled in my mind that I'm happy with who I've become. If I am asked to continue, I'm ready for the ride that they will put me on to help improve and shape my brand. Big up to Team ROE regardless of what happens. It's gettin' really real now.

Life & Times of Professor Curry:

I have a lot to say about that so look out for that segment real soon.


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