Life and Times of Professor Curry: You're Failing

Today, I let my class out early to work on their up coming persuasive speeches. Recall a previous blog about being a black teacher and being drawn to the black students. I'm searching for the words to say about this guy and all I can do is speak from what I observe. He gives no effort at all. Yeah, I know, I can say that his way of giving effort is different than mine and I can ramp on about how I can change my teaching methods to suit him. Or maybe I can do things to make class more fun. Bump that. Here is what I see.

He got the highest grade on the exam. Now that we've moved into the public speaking portion of the class all I seem to be getting are excuses. No his speaking skills aren't the greatest. It's actually annoying to hear him speak but the problem I am having is that he is not giving any effort. Out of 16 students that have to give impromptu speeches as a part of the class, he is the only that has started a speech, stops to blurt out " Man . . uh uh..I can't think of nothing." That is understandable to cop out everytime you have to give a speech C'mon SON. I know public speaking is America's #1 fear but if all 15 of my students try and still proceed even when they mess up what he's doing is unacceptable.

He stopped turning in assignments. He waits until the class before a final draft is due to tell me that the whole 2 weeks we've been working he doesn't know how to do the assignment. Are you for real son? Then the day everyone gives their speech, which is 20% of their grade, this clown gets up starts his speech, stops it, asks to go later, then proceeds to read the entire speech off his note cards. To me that is a lack of preparation. When all the other students are willing to try and one isn't. He reminds me of a little kid that when he's scared he'll run away or throw a tantrum so that he does not have to face up what is required of him.

Yeah this is just my opinion but when he is the only one in the class that doesn't try, I see that there is something wrong with him.

I made him stay after and yeah I was honest. I asked if he had a learning disability. He said no. Dude didn't even once look me in the eye. Who does that anymore. What was so crazy about it was that he apparently has A's in his other classes. He tells me that my class is boring. I really don't care. I'm not here to entertain you. My class requires you to think and participate. He asks for extra points and I'm like son, you haven't even turned in the work I asked you to turn in. C'mon. Then he proceeds to say that he can only give me 3 minutes for the next speech and not the 5 minute requirement. (points at lip) OK.

I never cared for students or people that don't try. The conversation took a turn and he said that he's always been how he is. I'm not going to cater to that. Either he'll get it together and work or he'll fail. I don't have time to tailor things to someone who does not try. Especially if he is the only in the class that does this. I'll have to leave this alone for now. I hope it makes some kind of sense.


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