I Used to Be So Nice

I got caught up looking at old episodes of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. My dose of ignorance used to be Flavor of Love but now we have more reality shows that have taken the wheel of ignorance to levels unknown to man.

I should be at Tabaq Bistro for the fashion industry networking party since I am modeling for DC Fashion Week this week. I got my people ready to go out but this morning I was not feeling it. This has been a very busy week since I've been preparing for the new courses I'll be teaching the second half of the semester. I have a second job. I've been doing background work for a studio project. All around I'm busy and gas is $3.15, but most importantly, I just don't feel like networking anymore. I don't know what it is when it comes to the fashion industry. I love being featured in shows but when it comes to interacting with other models I don't know who is after what. I actually take that view on a lot of things lately. I meet new people all the time but whether or not I'll take the time to see what they are about is a lost cause. I say this all the time but I'm good on friends.

I never used to be like that. I was always the guy that wanted to know everyone and be around every person. Now, as soon as someone says something that I don't care for I figure that I won't waste my time. Maybe this is just a sign of me getting older. My patience with people has worn thin. Maybe it's a sign that I've worked with kids because even with them, I realize life is too short to coddle them and treat them like life will cater to them when they become of age. I don't know what it is but I've definitely gotten more aggressive when I handle people.

If I don't like a situation, I don't stick it out and wait for it to change. I speak up and call it like it is. I just don't like people the way I used to. It's sad to say but for most people if you are not in my circle or I don't have an area of common ground now, chances are I won't go out of my way to get on your level. Shout out to all the real people I know. I'm just frustrated with people and I don't know why. Either way I'm not wasting time on that bull.


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