The Life & Times of Professor Curry

The Pittsburgh Steelers just beat the Baltimore Ravens 31-24 in the play offs now its on to the AFC Division Championship.

Last Sunday I got picked to model in DC Fashion Week 2011. Shout out to Ean Williams and Corjor International. Some of the photos from the model call were featured in Shy Magazine. I will be making an announcement concerning the modeling portion of my brand lol. Really I will, so sit tight.

So, I know everyone wants to hear about my adventures as a community college instructor. I survived my first week with plenty of stories to tell. There was not a night that I did not stay up late because I was preparing to lead the class. The funny thing is, since I got hired 3 weeks before the semester I did not really plan out my semester in full. So I'm pretty much going through the book with the students and getting comfortable with the material myself. It's crazy.

I kept running into technology problems in the classroom because NVCC decided to change my password and login and not inform me. Imagine being prepared to go through a PowerPoint in your class and none of the technology works. I'm so glad I know how to act cool when things don't pan out. I used my written notes to walk the students through the material.

Maybe I had high expectations but I'm baffled my students avoid public speaking situations at all costs. One of my requirements is that my students complete 2 impromptu speeches by the end of the semester. This is a chance where a student can give a quick speech on a topic of their choice with no pressure. Every opportunity I presented this week the kids just look around. I mean, c'mon you signed up for a Communications course. Don't you think you would need to COMMUNICATE. Public speaking is a big component of the course so we'll see. I know my 8-week class doesn't have time to fool around because before they know it, the class will be over.

Oh and I also screwed myself when I gave a writing assignment. The papers that I got is proof that public schools will do whatever it takes to get the kids out. Now here they are at the college level writing run-on sentences, using fragments, writing like they talk and falling victim to a bunch of mistakes that could easily be fixed if they just read over their work before handing it in. I was up grading papers and cussing because the writer in me couldn't take it.

I guess I have my work cut out for me. Lord help! I

Shout out to U.N.I Clothing Co. and Profound Thought who are living it up in Nashville at the Stellar Awards. My homie, Profound Thought is performing at the Urban Soul Cafe as a part of the tribute to American Gospel singer, Lashun Pace. The team definitely has some awesome things in store. I can't wait to tell you about it. Peep the latest design and get at us on Facebook: U.N.I Clothing Co., follow us on Twitter @uniclothingco or connect with our CEO, Brian Smithen on tumblr:

Also be on the look out for my brother Minister D. Jakolby Washington who is in the studio now finishing up his first project with JudahLYFE Ministries. Be on the look out for the first single "Shower Your Rain" from the live recording Freedom to Worship. Here's a sneak peak of the single. Also be sure to catch him every Monday at 7 p.m. as he hosts JudahLYFE, a praise and worship radio show. My brother is making moves yall.


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