That's Professor Curry To You

I'm not a professor exactly or even close but I did accept an offer to be an Adjunct Communication Faculty at Northern VA Community College. I got a call from the Assistant Dean of the department and by the end of the conversation I got an offer to start teaching in January. This officially ends my perpetual streak of taking on mindless/purposeless jobs just to get by. Praise God it wasn't that much of a wait. I mean yes, I'll be waiting for that paycheck but this is a good start. It's a really good start and I'm excited because one of my goals for 2011 was to take advantage of opportunities to teach.

I filled out all my paper work today and picked up a copy of the textbook that I'll be using. I'll bask in the glory of the accomplishment for a few days before I consider how I only have 3 weeks to create a preliminary course schedule. One thing I'll take into account is how much I hate it when instructors lecture the whole hour and change. I'm so freakin' ADD so if lectures get on my nerves I can assure you that I will not be doing such for my own course.

I almost want to panic because someone is trusting me to do this. This is crazy but somebody's got to do it.


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