Stunned But Reflecting

Some clown stole my car the day before Christmas Eve. I was an hour and a half away from where I live but luckily I had family in the area where I got stranded. I'm so pissed off that all I can do is laugh. I'm laughing out of shock, embarassment, and just overall stupor as to why someone would go to such a length to do that. It's crazy fam.

I couldn't get my mind off of it for most of the day except when I took an extended nap hoping to just wake up Christmas morning. Now it's early Christmas morning and the only reason I'm up is because my family got the sudden urge to clean everything and paint walls. I got suckered into painting a wall to do something to help out. When I realized it was after 11:30 pm I cut that project short. Here I am trying to escape all the reasons why 2010 sucked for me. Instead of cry about it in my blog, considering I'm still pissed as hell about the car and probably will be at the mention of it, I'm going to divert my emotions by highlighting the things that made 2010 worth the struggle.

Learning about the music business: It's been cool getting to know Mike Winans and having someone to bounce my ideas off of. I'm proud of myself for taking the initiative to learn what to do with my songs once they hit full production. I'm not naive about the business and this has given me negotiating power and overall I now have a goal to start a business that includes songwriting. I wish I would have done this a long time ago but this year I was open and available.

Being an entreprenuer: Music only scratched the surface. I've had the opportunity to assist with other businesses and this has made me a little more confident in going into business for myself because of my skills.

My teaching talents confirmed:
NYLF was crazy but looking back on it, I had an amazing time. It's made me very confident in teaching in a classroom. To get a job offer to teach at a community college has been somethign that I've been looking for. Life at the youth center was mundane and I hated a good portion of it, but I also enjoyed more than what I hated. Let me rethink that statement. I learned to focus on what I loved about it so that made it worth it. Also, how can I forget the Ready or Not Retreat in Jersey. I had a great time leading the discussion group for the young adults. Also working with the youth choir gave me an opportunity to lead youth and adults to coordinate the music. Pretty good experience if I don't say so for myself.

Getting comfortable with DC: I hated DC. I didn't know DC all too well, but I hated it when I first came back home. A year later and now I look for every excuse to go to DC. I love U Street and the Chinatown areas and can't wait to explore more--as if I haven't already. It all confirms the fact that I am a man of the city.

I'm getting sleepy so look forward to a more detailed list. That just might put me in brighter spirits. I really hope this car jacker gets caught and that my car gets found or some good comes out of this. Merry Christmas fam.


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