Post 200

Wow after this post I'll be at post #200. This is call for a celebration doesnt it. Anybody in?

I've been waiting all week to carve out some time to tell you about my adventures and now I'm coming short on words. I'll work on being in the mood to write and share. The past two weeks were very crazy for me. I say crazy because I found myself in a place where I lost so much motivation. I have joined the 70% of Americans that hate their jobs. Ask me where I got that number from: I made it up. I'm not cut out for the mindlessness of retail and will be ending what I thought. . . I don't know what I was thinking when I applied. After doing the calculations and seeing that I get $100 for 16 hours of work, not to mention work that any brainless person could do, I realize that this relationship is not worth the time.

So moving on to another part time job. I'll say that the boss and I got off on the wrong foot. I mean, how many employees start a new job by telling the employer what they are not going to do. I figured that if I was going to only get paid for a certain amount of hours and no more then I'll make sure that once the clock stops so does my work. If you call me outside of those hours, I'm not obliged to conceed. I think clarifying my employers expectations and mine will serve both of us well. So far I have been so concerned about being taken advantage of that I've come off wrong. I'm still growing yall.

On a lighter note the modeling is going well. I'm learning which opportunities to pursue and which ones to not pursue. In two months I've been in 3 shows and I'm working on a 4th. This coming show, which I auditioned for and am waiting to find out if I've made the cut, would be the most expensive to date. Tickets are selling for $75. I had trouble getting people to come to the $15 and $20 shows, so that's pretty much a bust lol.

I'm going to focus on building my photo repertoire. The last show I did, I connected with a designer that said they'd use me for a shoot. This is so crazy because I never thought I'd be interested. Now I'm running full speed ahead. I tend to do that. As I reflect modeling is doign a lot to develop me personally. Doing photoshoots and runway is pretty much acting in a non speaking. You become a character according to what the designer wants. In an industry that is based on how you look it's real easy to get discouraged by the things you can't change. However it's teaching me to pick my face up and keep it moving.

It's also teaching me to be professional working with people of alternative lifestyles. Well actually I been learning that but this time I am all the more. Modeling is a creative field that is defined by who you are working for on the project. Because of this I drew my lines early on as far as the type of work that I will and will not do. My advice to anyone that wants to get into the entertainment/creative field, whether for fun or as an entreprenuer, decide what type of work does and does not characterize your personal brand. Creative people have some of the craziest demeanors so be professional and treat your work like a business. Even as I go to more of these events and compare myself to the other models, I see myself as more of a businessman than a full-time model.

Also get comfortable with your body and seeing all the models you work with in a show naked. It's a part of the territory and it's hard work. Those are my thoughts.


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