On Top Rank Vintage
Last night I allowed two perfectly good tickets to one of the hottest events of the year go to waste. To Justin Young and the team at ReadySetDC, I apologize. I have very unreliable transportation and the very night I wanted to go out it got even more unreliable. I was really looking forward to meeting the team. Either way congrations on the website relaunch. I guess that means all my posts that involve ReadySetDC's past events will be broken links. GREAT!
Speaking of website relaunch, Top Rank Vintage launched their website early this morning and I'm excited that I can feature another unique designer on my blog. The brand specializes in authentic military style vintage clothing, which is unique because these pieces date back as far as the 1950's and are shipped in from Europe. That's true vintage ain't it.

I met the team in charge of this collection at DC Urban Fashion Week, which was one good thing that happened out of that show. SMH. I had a good conversation with the leaders Yvette and Mohamed, plus I was really digging their line, so I kept in touch. Here's a few pics of the coat and long sleeve I got to rock by them. To add to that shout out to Philbert Photos and Cat Walk Studioz for the bangin' photo work.

I got a chance to talk to Mohamed recently as he was putting the final touches up on the website and dude was mad excited. I can talk about the website all day and the clothing line but go see for yourself. www.toprankvintage.com. In addition to that visit the Facebook page and see pics of their most recent photo shoots. Take advantage of their winter where all styles are 25% off from now until Christmas Day. Command Your Style
Speaking of website relaunch, Top Rank Vintage launched their website early this morning and I'm excited that I can feature another unique designer on my blog. The brand specializes in authentic military style vintage clothing, which is unique because these pieces date back as far as the 1950's and are shipped in from Europe. That's true vintage ain't it.

I met the team in charge of this collection at DC Urban Fashion Week, which was one good thing that happened out of that show. SMH. I had a good conversation with the leaders Yvette and Mohamed, plus I was really digging their line, so I kept in touch. Here's a few pics of the coat and long sleeve I got to rock by them. To add to that shout out to Philbert Photos and Cat Walk Studioz for the bangin' photo work.

I got a chance to talk to Mohamed recently as he was putting the final touches up on the website and dude was mad excited. I can talk about the website all day and the clothing line but go see for yourself. www.toprankvintage.com. In addition to that visit the Facebook page and see pics of their most recent photo shoots. Take advantage of their winter where all styles are 25% off from now until Christmas Day. Command Your Style