My Thoughts

I've had this blog for about 2 years and have yet to scratch the surface of who I am and what I'm about. So today, in a very random order, I'd like to share information that I don't generally think to share on this blog.

When it comes to NFL I'm a Pittsburgh Steelers fan. It's a little odd because I have never been to Pittsburgh, it was just a choice I made and a team that I stuck with. So Sunday night, we played the Jets and other than the times we played Baltimore I was really looking forward to this one. Just my luck my family decides to go to a restaurant during 5 minutes into the second quarter. Luckily we go to one with a TV in range. Most of you know the outcome of that game but 10 minutes left in the final quarter and New York gets the field goal and the score is 20-17 New York. My parents decide it's time to leave since we all rode together. We live about 5 minutes away. My mom decides to go to Target to pick up some Christmas cards. In the words of Ed Lover . . . C'mon Son. Why Now? Despite my attempts to get dropped off at home we mosied on over to Target. I don't get to see how the game ends and I'm forced to find out via SMH. Maybe if I was at home we would have won this instead New York wins at Pittsburgh and I'm sick to my stomach. I never want to settle but I am content that we can continue our lead in the AFC North division. I digress.

So during my families excursion to Target, after 20 minutes of filling the basket up, someone announces over the intercom that there is an emergency and that everyone is to head to the exit immediately. Emergencies are always the time when big people and folks in electric shopping cards or whatever you call them decide to get in the way. I get outside and a cop orders everyone to get away from the building as quickly as possible. Come to find out there was a bomb threat. Get home the Steelers lost. Still bitter about that game. My sister who was working at the very Target we left comes home 2 hours later. She boasts about being paid to sit in her car for two hours because her job wouldn't let the employees leave nor were they able to resume work. This is where my sister and I greatly differ because I deem being held hostage on my job when I clearly can't work given the circumstance is a complete waste of my time and my brain power. I would have been ticked off and I would have driven home. That's just me.

Real quick Alexandria City Public Schools has hired a consultant to help them build their image. Alan Hilburg the guy that worked on a Wendy's campaign back in the '80's and most notable for helping to build Don Imus' reputation after the "Nappy-headed hoes incident," has been hired to work with the school system. What I got from the article is that he's looking to build relationships with outside businesses and stakeholders--basically private funds--to aid in this effort. What got me was that they compared it to former Chancellor of DC Public Schools, Michelle Rhee, and her use of raising private funding to go toward the school. Awesome effort but not the best person to be compared to. The chick fired everyone and ticked off a lot of people and when the new administration came she was out. Enough of my opinion, my concern is really for the youth in the system. I pray that somehow whatever image of ACPS this guy builds in the public mind can be supported by what is really happening in the lives of the youth that move through that institution. I really hope that conditions are improved on the inside and that the youth are educationally enriched to go along with whatever campaign this consultant puts forth.

Speaking of support and school systems, an $100,000 award given by AARP to McKinley Technology High School in DC is missing and Principal David Pinder, who according to the reporter "administers a total school budget of about $4.2 million" would not comment or answer e-mails on this matter. I know what I just said would lead you to believe that he knows something. Actually even a spokesperson for the school said that an investigation is taking place so no one will comment until everything is cleared up. Once again, in the words of Ed Lover. . . C'mon Son. Are you telling me that $100,000 just went up and missing?

Somebody knows where that money is and it upsets me that administrations can be so grimey. I mean shoot, that's what I believe the real issue is with this "recession." Oh those in charge know where the money is and they are not telling any of the common people. So in the case of the students at McKinley Tech, they won't be able to take advantage of the money that they worked hard to get from all their community service. It's a shame.

Meet me back, same place, at whatever time I decide so I can go in on this Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal and so that I can intelligently comment in the affirmative on an article discussing how the term "hate speech" is being used to marginalize and undermine anything that disagrees with homosexual anything.


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