I Hate Sales People

Among the things that I cannot stand, and there are plenty, being solicited is the worst. I absolutely hate when people try to sell me stuff. It goes hand in hand with my abhoration of wasting my time, which will turn me livid. So why am I talking about this you ask? Well, with Christmas a few days away I visited the mall and had a particular moment that confirmed how much I hate when people try to sell me stuff and another reminder why I avoid shopping on a certain side of that particular mall.

So research has confirmed that you are more likely to comply with an attractive person rather than a less attractive person. This one lotion stand has definitely picked up on this concept because every last one of their reps are probably some of the most gorgeous women in the mall. However for me, you can be bangin' with a body like heaven but depending on how you annoy me there is no going back.

So I'm shopping for some family members and I decide to run over to the food court get a few of the free chicken that the Asian restaurants give away then walk back to proceed with my shopping. That is when I remembered the infamous lotion stand. Now I haven't been to this particular mall since the summer so the likelihood of me forgetting about this beautiful distraction--emphasis on distraction--was high. But while I was a few feet away I remembered but it was too late. I was in route.

Now these chicks are aggressive. If one spots you and you blow her off two more will come from around the corner and say something clever to try to get you to stop. You can be 5 feet away from the cart they will still do their best to keep the conversation going. So as I'm approaching the cart I speed up just a bit. Of course one rep asks if I want to try the lotion. Now in a matter of seconds, knowing that I been through this before and do not want to waste my time or her time because I have no need for this lotion whatsoever, I entertain the fact of her flirting with me and volunteering to caress my arm with this lotion. Nothing wrong with that but its all futile. She doesn't want me she wants my money and all the encounter will do is waste mine and her time. Sorry but the fantasizing just isn't worth it. Yes I can turn on the charm and direct the conversation elsewhere because these reps on a rating of looks scale between 9 and 10. But the principle is that I hate when people sell stuff to me and having this particular female feel me up, which is a clear exaggeration, just was not that serious.

So in a matter of miliseconds after I process this--since that is the way things play out in my head--I respectfully say no. When someone speaks to me it is my principle to speak back politely. So I say no to the first rep take a few steps another rep calls out to me and another steps in front of me and says she has a question for me. So I'm dodging these reps. Another says, "Hey I like your dreads!" I say, "Thanks, I like your hair too." She cunningly asks me to come over. I already know the intention so I smile back and keep it pushing.

Hat's off to the business owner for being very creative in his sales tactics. Nervous about walking back and passing that same kiosk, I head that way because my car is parked in that area. Luckily they got some other unsuspecting victims to stop and pay attention to their nonsense sales tactics. You can say whatever, I just really hate when people try to sell me stuff. I'm cringing right now just thinking about it.

That's my story. Tune in next time as I deliberate on a few articles I've read this week.


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