A Bad Relationship Comes To An End

I used to wonder why smart people stay in bad relationships. After these past few months, maybe less, I completely understand why. The reason is because that relationship provides them with some benefit that they can't seem to get anywhere else. So it is with people that HATE their jobs with a passion but stay because they have bills to pay. The diplomatic person stays until they find something else, but in these times it takes longer to find something else than one would imagine to expect.

So for the past two months I've worked part-time doing tasks that were so out of character and out of purpose that I was changing into a different person. When you are generally a cheerful person and revert to cussing everyone out that upsets you, this is clear indication that something is wrong. This is what happened to me.

I said in previous blogs that I knew this relationship would be ending soon. I was not joking. Either I was going to end it myself or circumstance would have brought it about. Luckily both happened. Now let's look back to my earlier blog talking about the call the relationship ended exactly how it began--with me telling him he was being disrespectful and unprofessional, and me getting the cuss out by the great Reverend.

Our team was doing a press release on an organization under investigation for an unethical practice. Let's keep in mind that this incident was in the media 3 months prior, so with our press release lacking timeliness it could be considered irrelevant. Either way, he thought it was expedient to call the organization and ask them if one of their reps was the person who was a part of what they were being accused of. I thought we should have contacted a third party because no organization is required to release that type of information neither will they politely volunteer information like that to a stranger.

So I call and try to be polite as I can to see if this particular person was a member of this organization. The Reverend yells at me and says I'm doing it wrong so I pass him my phone which I pay bills on and sit back to observe his approach. His approach involves yelling at the receptionist asking if so and so is the man alledgedly being accused of the unethical practice. He informs the receptionist to not play games with him and forcefully tells her to tell him if this is the person. I hear her through the phone yelling back at him saying that he does not have to be disrespectful and she puts him on hold. He looks at me saying that when he does things he gets results and that I just don't get it. I look at him and say "Your way of doing things is very disrespectful. You do realize that I can take that phone out of your hand right now." I remind him that I heard the girl through the phone saying that he was being disrespectful to her. He hangs up the phone and from The great Reverend's sanctified mouth he say "This is just bullshit. It's all bullshit." I look at him amazed saying "Sir why are you cursuing." That is when he tells me I'm fired and I was not even mad that he got to me before I could get to him. With a sigh of relief he keeps me there for an extra hour to fill out the contract that I should have gotten my first day of working.

One down one more to go. I put in my two weeks at the retail place I was working at. I realized that I was not cut out to do that type of work. The work was very mindless and unfulfilling and I was not a fan of working with a supervisor that comes into work grumpy. Grumpiness is contagious and the more I stood in that store the more I was about to loose my mind. The only thing I looked forward to was 11:00 a.m. when I left the store.

I got a call yesterday thinking that they were calling me into work but instead the store manager informed me that they needed to cut payroll so I did not have to fulfill my last week of work. WHOOO HOOO. Yeah that was one check I was depending on but the sweet taste of sleeping in to recover from these past two months of . . . I don't know what I'd call it but it feels good. So now with my bank account about to reach E, I'm at home strategizing how I will get to where I want to be and that involves being in a job where I can actually grow. It involves being in a place that I wouldn't mind staying late and taking on extra work because I'm being compensated and I love my team. Don't get me wrong, I met some good people in the course of the two months but I've also met some horrible leaders that didn't give a crap about me but used me to fulfill their own purposes. Psshh and if I sound like a crying baby it is what it is. We all have our limits and our boundaries. We should all have clear guidelines on how we should be treated and how we treat others.

So, I've learned that I should not allow money to be my only motivation to work. In the past my motivation has been money coupled with the opportunity for growth, learning, personal fulfillment, and being around great people that also love what they do. I can't settle for anything less than that. I had a friend tell me flat out that I was being pimped and that I took on the ho mentality, which is true. So now that I'm out of those relationships I can rest easy and get back to who I am.

P.S. I had a great interview with KEMAC last Wednesday. Next on the agenda: moving to Maryland.


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